diplomski projekt
Majda Kanižaj (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Selitev računalništva v oblake je nova realnost. Sam oblak za večino podjetij pomeni najemanje virov, storitev kot storitev pa se še vedno izvaja pri stranki ali v oblaku. Velika prednost "oblaka" je v tem, da si lahko danes najboljše tehnologije privoščijo tudi majhna podjetja. Računalništvo v oblaku odpira vprašanja o pozitivnih spremembah in tudi nevarnostih, ki pretijo na sistem z neomejenim številom podatkov in relevantnimi informacijami. Nova digitalna pokrajina spreminja način dela kadrovskih oddelkov in vodilnih podjetij. Hitrost dela je danes višja kot kadar koli prej, zato zaposleni potrebujejo naprave in storitve za ohranjanje produktivnosti na poti in takojšnji preklop med delom in vsakodnevnim življenjem. V prvem delu diplomskega projekta bomo opredelili računalništvo v oblaku, predstavili njegov pomen in arhitekturo oblačnih rešitev. Opredelitev oblačnih rešitev bomo v nadaljevanju povezali z oblačnimi rešitvami v poslovanju. Poudarili bomo prednosti in slabosti, kot tudi vplive na poslovanje podjetij. V drugem delu diplomskega projekta bomo opredelili oblačno rešitev za upravljanje s človeškimi viri SuccessFactors. Rešitev bomo opredelili skozi module, ki jih zajema.


računalništvo;računalništvo v oblaku;informacijske rešitve;SAP;človeški viri;management človeških virov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Kanižaj]
UDC: 004.77:005.96
COBISS: 12265500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1162
Downloads: 229
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary title: Cloud computing for human resource management in the case of SAP Success Factors
Secondary abstract: Cloud migration is the new reality. For most companies, the cloud means outsourcing, but services as such are still performed at the client or in the cloud. A great advantage of the cloud is that today even small companies can afford the best technology. Cloud computing raises the question about positive changes and threats to the system with unlimited data and relevant information. The new digital landscape alters the way of work of human resource departments and leading companies. Today, the speed of work is higher than ever before, therefore employees need devices and services in order to maintain their productivity on the go and to instantly switch between work and the everyday life. In the first part of the thesis project we will define cloud computing, present its importance and the architecture of cloud solutions. The definition of cloud solutions will be later on connected with cloud business solutions. We will emphasize the advantages and weaknesses as well as the impacts on business operations. In the second part of the thesis project we will define the cloud solution for human resource management, called SuccessFactors. The solution will be defined through its modules.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: Cloud;cloud computing;SAP;human resources;SuccessFactors;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 9129457