diplomsko delo
Olga Gorkič (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Komunikacija je sestavni del našega življenja. Ni mogoče ne komunicirati, se je pa mogoče dobrega sporazumevanja, izmenjavanja misli in vzpostavljanja odnosov naučiti. V pričujočem diplomskem delu ugotavljamo, kaj je učinkovita komunikacija, se dotaknemo nastanka in virov nevrolingvističnega programiranja in predstavimo temelje, na katerih je nevrolingvistično programiranje nastalo. Predstavimo uporabne veščine in znanja, s pomočjo katerih spoznavamo sebe in svet okoli nas ter ustvarjamo okoliščine, ki nam omogočajo graditi in vedno znova izboljševati odnose tako na osebnem kot tudi na poslovnem področju. Sledi spoznavanje strategij, ki so načini, kako si organiziramo naše misli in vedenje. Prav prepoznavanje naših misli in vedenja ter ugotavljanje načinov našega zaznavanja sveta je pot, ki nas popelje v ozaveščanje naših želja in posledično v učinkovito postavljanje in doseganje ciljev. Nevrolingvistično programiranje nam ponuja vrsto modelov, ki nam omogočajo, da prepoznamo, kaj hočemo in kako bomo to dosegli, in nekatere izmed njih v tem delu tudi podrobneje predstavljamo. V nadaljevanju spoznamo, kaj je modeliranje, opredelimo ključne elemente in pogoje modeliranja ter spoznamo sam proces modeliranja. Praktično spoznamo modeliranje na primeru, ko modeliramo harmonijo kot notranje stanje človeka.


komunikacija;komuniciranje;zaznavanje;nevrolingvistično programiranje;modeliranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [O. Gorkič]
UDC: 316.77:159.98
COBISS: 12288028 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1434
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Neuro-linguistic programming and its importance to communication excellence
Secondary abstract: Communication is an integral part of our lives. It is not possible not to communicate, but it is possible to learn to communicate well, as well as share ideas and form relationships. This thesis aims to define effective communication, explain the origins of neuro-linguistic programming and introduce the foundations on which the neuro-linguistic programming was built. Useful skills and techniques are introduced, through which we acquire knowledge of ourselves and the world that surrounds us, as well as create circumstances that allow us to build and continuously develop relationships both personally and professionally. The thesis also expands upon strategies as the ways of organizing our thoughts and behavior. It is when we learn to recognize our thoughts and behavior alongside the ways we perceive the world that we are on a path that leads to the awareness of our wishes and, consequently, the effective setting and achievement of goals. Neuro-linguistic programming offers us a series of models that enable us to recognize what we want and how to achieve it. Some of these models are described in detail. In the continuation of the thesis, modeling is discussed, its key elements and the conditions of modeling are defined and the process of modeling is more thoroughly explained. The modeling of harmony as an internal state serves to show the principles of modeling in practice.
Secondary keywords: neuro-linguistic programming;communication;perception;NLP strategies;well-formed goals;modeling with NLP;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 41 str.
ID: 9130057