magistrsko delo
Barbara Krpan (Author), Karin Bakračevič Vukman (Mentor), Voyko Kavcic (Co-mentor)


Naša študija proučuje s starostjo povezane spremembe v pozni odraslosti na več področjih kognitivnega delovanja, to so: področje jezika, sposobnosti vidnega zaznavanja, besednega spomina, vidno prostorskega spomina ter pozornosti in koncentracije. Zanima nas, kako odrasli v obdobju pozne odraslosti rešujejo različne kognitivne naloge in kakšne so njihove samoocene spoznavnega delovanja na omenjenih področjih. Cilj naloge je ugotoviti, ali so samoocene različnih sposobnosti ustrezne, oz. ali starostniki ocenjujejo svoje kognitivne sposobnosti v skladu z dejanskimi kognitivnimi sposobnostmi. Omenjeno problematiko preverjamo na namenskem vzorcu 62 posameznikov (31 moških in 31 žensk), starih od 65 do 94 let. Rezultati se razlikujejo glede na merjene sposobnosti. Ugotovimo, da se pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike med mlajšimi in starejšimi starostniki (v prid mlajših starejših) na skoraj vseh merjenih področjih dejanskih kognitivnih sposobnosti (področjih besednega spomina, verbalne fluentnosti, vidno prostorskega spomina ter pozornosti in koncentracije) z izjemo vidno prostorskega zaznavanja. Na področju samoocene kognitivnih sposobnosti ugotavljamo, da so starejši odrasli, stari nad 75 let, zaznali pri sebi več težav, kot odrasli v starosti od 64 do 75 let na področjih besednih sposobnosti spodobnosti vidnega zaznavanja, vidno prostorskega spomina ter v svojih kognitivnih sposobnostih nasploh. Vendar na dveh področjih (pri samooceni besednega spomina ter pozornosti in koncentraciji) ni statistično pomembnih razlik med mlajšimi in starejšimi od 75 let. Preverili smo tudi, ali obstaja statistično pomembna povezava med samooceno kognitivnih sposobnosti in objektivno izmerjenimi sposobnostmi. Izsledki naše raziskave kažejo, da splošna samoocena kognitivnega funkcioniranja v starosti statistično pomembno korelira z vsemi merami dejanskih kognitivnih sposobnosti. Ko pogledamo posamezna področja, vidimo, da obstaja statistično pomembna povezava med samooceno in objektivno izmerjenimi sposobnostmi na področjih verbalne fluentnosti, vidno-prostorskega zaznavanja in besednega spomina. A vendar ne obstaja statistično pomembna povezava med samooceno in objektivno izmerjenimi sposobnostmi na področjih vidno prostorskega spomina ter pozornosti in koncentracije. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali lahko samoocena različnih sposobnosti statistično pomembno napoveduje dejansko uspešnost reševanja kognitivnih nalog na teh področjih. Izkazalo se je, da so samoocene kognitivnih sposobnosti, za katere smo ugotovili, da se ujemajo z objektivno oz. dejansko izmerjenimi rezultati na testih tudi uspešen prediktor teh sposobnosti. Torej je samoocena lahko prediktor uspešnosti na nalogah verbalne fluentnosti, besednega spomina in vidno prostorskega zaznavanja, a ne na področju vidno prostorskega spomina ter pozornosti in koncentracije.


pozna odraslost;zadovoljstvo z življenjem;samoocena kognitivnih sposobnosti;kognitivne sposobnosti;spomin;verbalne sposobnosti;obseg neposrednega pomnjenja;izvršilne funkcije;prostorska vizualizacija;pozornost;koncentracija;metakognicija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [B. Krpan]
UDC: 159.95:159.922.63(043.2)
COBISS: 22185480 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1305
Downloads: 217
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Congruence between self-evaluated and actual cognitive abilities in late adoulthood [!]
Secondary abstract: This study examines age-related changes in late adulthood in several areas of cognitive functioning, these are: the area of language skills, ability of visual perception, verbal memory, visuo-spatial memory as well as attention and concentration. We are interested in, how adults solve various cognitive tasks during late adulthood and their self-assessment of cognitive functioning in mentioned areas. The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether a self-assessment of various abilities is relevant and if the elderly evaluate their cognitive abilities in accordance with the actual cognitive abilities. The study was performed with a dedicated sample of 62 individuals (31 men and 31 women), aged from 65 to 94 years. The results vary depending on the measured abilities and show statistically significant differences between the younger and older elderly (in favour of younger older people) in almost all measured areas of the actual cognitive abilities (word memory, verbal fluency, visuo-spatial memory as well as attention and concentration), with the exception of visuo-spatial perception. The self-assessment of cognitive abilities showed that in the areas of verbal abilities, ability of visual perception, visuo spatial memory and in the cognitive abilities in general, older adults, aged over 75 years, self-assess more problems, than adults aged from 64 to 75 years. However, in two areas (the self-assessment of word memory, and attention and concentration) there is no statistically significant difference between people younger and older than 75 years. We also checked, whether there is a statistically significant link between the self-assessment of cognitive abilities and the objectively measured abilities. The results show that the general self-assessment of cognitive functions in old age correlates statistically significantly with all the dimensions of the actual cognitive abilities. As we look at the individual areas, we can see that there is a statistically significant link between self-assessment and objectively measured abilities in the areas of verbal fluency, visuo-spatial perception and verbal memory. However, there is no statistically significant connection between the self-assessment and the objectively measured abilities in the areas of visuo-spatial memory, and attention and concentration. We were also interested in, whether the self-assessment of various skills has statistical significance in predicting the outcome of solving cognitive tasks in these areas. It turns out that the self-assessment of cognitive abilities, for which we found a link with the actual objectively measured results of the tests, are also a successful predictor of these abilities. Self-assessment can predict the performance on tasks in the areas of verbal fluency, verbal memory and visuo-spatial perception, but not in the areas of visuo-spatial memory, and attention and concentration.
Secondary keywords: late adulthood;life satisfaction;self-assessed cognitive abilities;cognitive abilities;memory;verbal abilities;the extent of direct memory;executive functions;spatial visualization;attention;concentration;metacognition;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, 83 f.
ID: 9132847