diplomsko delo
Katja Bonin (Author), Franjo Mlinarič (Mentor)


Finančna funkcija je nujna za obstoj podjetja. Okolje se spreminja, kar prinaša nove priložnosti, ki pa jih spremljajo tudi nova tveganja, ki jih moramo obvladovati. Finančna funkcija je vpeta v celotno poslovanje podjetja in je primerna za prevzem dodatnih nalog in večjo vlogo pri upravljanju podjetja, s čimer prinaša dodano vrednost poslovanju podjetja. V prihodnosti se bo vloga finančne funkcije še povečevala. Vse poslovne funkcije v podjetju morajo delovati usklajeno za dosego zastavljenih ciljev. Poslovanje mora biti planirano in nadzorovano, da vsi delujejo skladno s strategijo, da pri težavah vemo, kaj je vzrok in se pravočasno odzovemo po vnaprej pripravljenih scenarijih. Preoblikovanje organizacije celotnega podjetja in s tem tudi finančne funkcije je dolg, kompleksen in težek proces. Uspeh ni vnaprej zagotovljen, potreben je velik vložek vseh sodelujočih, od vodstva, ki mora dati vso podporo, do zadnjega zaposlenega, kajti menjati ni treba samo dela in naloge ampak miselnost. Ključni za uspeh so kadri, ki morajo sprejemati novosti in aktivno sodelovati. V nalogi bomo predstavili tradicionalno in sodobno finančno funkcijo podjetja, njun razvoj in način delovanja. Na modelu sodobne finančne funkcije podjetja bomo analizirali finančno funkcijo podjetja X in predlagali rešitve oziroma predloge izboljšav.


finančna funkcija;preoblikovanje;dodana vrednost;človeški viri;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Bonin]
UDC: 658.14(043.2)
COBISS: 12410396 Link will open in a new window
Views: 620
Downloads: 68
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Finance function evolution analysis with a case study of a project based organisation
Secondary abstract: The finance function is necessary for the existence of the company. The environment is constantly changing and bringing new opportunities, which however are accompanied with new risks that need to be managed. The finance function is integrated into the overall business of the company and suitable to assume additional tasks and a greater role in corporate governance, bringing an added value to the company's operations. In the future, the role of the finance function will increase. All business functions in the company must act harmonized in order to achieve the set objectives. Operations must be planned and monitored, so that everyone works according to the strategy, that in case of problems we can identify the cause and timely react according to pre-prepared scripts. Transformation of the entire company and thus the finance function is a long, complex and difficult process. The success is not guaranteed beforehand. It requires a large input of all participants, from the management, which needs to offer full support, to the last employee. Then, not only work and tasks need to be changed, but also the mentality. The key to success is the personnel who need to adopt novelties and participate actively in transformation. In this thesis we present both the traditional and the modern finance function of the company, their development and functioning. We will use the model of modern financial function of the company to analyse the financ function of the company X and propose solutions or suggestions for improvements.
Secondary keywords: Finance function;transformation;added value;human resources;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 9133635
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