diplomsko delo
Andrejka Jelušič (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Sistematično spremljanje oziroma proučevanje organizacijske klime in zadovoljstva zaposlenih je za organizacijo ključnega pomena, saj vpliva na doseganje organizacijske učinkovitosti ter posledično konkurenčnosti na trgu. Uspešne organizacije se vse bolj zavedajo pomembnosti vključevanja zaposlenih v izražanje mnenja, saj lahko tako pridobijo ustrezne povratne informacije glede dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na organizacijsko klimo. Pridobljene informacije so osnova za pripravo ustreznih ukrepov, ki vodijo k izboljšanju kritičnih kazalcev klime ter posledično zadovoljstva tako zaposlenih kot vodilnega kadra. Izbrana Banka, v kateri proučujemo organizacijsko klimo, se zaveda, da je upravljanje s človeškimi viri eden izmed temeljev, potrebnih za uresničevanje poslovnih načrtov banke. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali in primerjali organizacijsko klimo in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v izbrani Banki v obdobju treh let. Na osnovi pridobljenih razultatov smo predstavili predloge in ukrepe za njeno izboljšavo. Po proučitvi rezultatov v določenem obdobju smo prišli do zaključkov, da je organizacijska klima ugodna, zaposleni čutijo izbrano Banko kot varno, stabilno in zanesljivo. Zaposleni menijo, da je izbrana Banka inovativna in da je vse več komitentov, ki so gledano v celoti zadovoljni s sodelovanjem z izbrano Banko. Kljub temu, da se rezultati organizacijske klime ugodni in kažejo pozitiven trend, so zaposleni nekoliko slabše ocenili zadovoljstvo s svojim delo, razvojem kariere in neposrednim vodenjem.


organizacijska klima;organizacijska kultura;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;banke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Jelušič]
UDC: 005.73(043.2)
COBISS: 12471068 Link will open in a new window
Views: 854
Downloads: 82
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Study of organizational climate and satisfaction of employees in the selected bank
Secondary abstract: Systematic monitoring or study of the organizational climate and employee satisfaction has a key importance for the organization and affects on the achievement of organizational efficiency and thus competitiveness in the market. Successful organizations are becoming more aware of the importance of including the employees to express their opinions. In this way they obtain the corresponding feedback on elements affecting the organizational climate. The obtained information represent a basis for developing appropriate measures leading to the improvement of critical indicators of organizational climate and consequently the satisfaction of both, employees and management staff. The selected bank is aware that the management of human resources is one of the foundations necessary for the implementation of business plans of the Bank. In this graduation thesis, we studied and compared the organizational climate and employee satisfaction in the selected banks during the period of three years. On the basis of the obtained results we have prepared some suggestions and measures for its improvement. After examining the results we can make the conclusion that organizational climate is favorable, because the employees consider the selected bank safe, stable and reliable. Employees believe that the selected Bank is innovative and that is even more clients satisfied with the cooperation with a selected Bank. Despite the fact that the results of the organizational climate are favorable and show a positive trend, the employees are slightly lower evaluated their satisfaction with work, development of career and direct manager.
Secondary keywords: organizational climate;organizational culture;employee satisfaction;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 42 str.
ID: 9134498