magistrsko delo
Sara Lakota (Author), Tina Runjić (Mentor), Ingrid Žolgar (Co-mentor)


Osebe s slepoto in slabovidnostjo v tretjem življenjskem obdobju so zaradi različnih notranjih in zunanjih dejavnikov izpostavljene večjemu tveganju za socialno izolacijo in zmanjšano kvaliteto življenja. Vendar pa lahko z dvigom stopnje mobilnosti posameznika vplivamo na povečanje možnosti vključevanja v družbo in posledično na kvaliteto življenja. Da bi lahko prepoznali potrebe posameznika s slepoto in slabovidnostjo v tretjem življenjskem obdobju, moramo poznati dejavnike, ki so povezani z mobilnostjo te populacije. Na ta način bomo lahko vsakemu posamezniku prilagodili trening orientacije in mobilnosti glede na njegove želje in potrebe. V pričujočem magistrskem delu smo opredelili posebnosti in prilagoditve treninga orientacije in mobilnosti za osebe s slepoto in slabovidnostjo v tretjem življenjskem obdobju. Na podlagi odgovorov 35 udeležencev v starosti 65 let in več smo opredelili, v kolikšni meri so osebe s slepoto in slabovidnostjo v tretjem življenjskem obdobju mobilne in ali so pri gibanju samostojne ter kateri dejavniki (socialno demografske značilnosti, substruktura motnje vida, zdravstvene težave, socialno vključevanje, pogostost padcev in strahu pred padci, lastna ocena samostojnosti pri gibanju) pomembno prispevajo k stopnji mobilnosti. Stopnjo mobilnosti smo merili z Vprašalnikom o življenjskem prostoru. Ker je mobilnost kompleksnejši pojem smo v ocenjevanje stopnje mobilnosti vključili še druge spremenljivke, kot so opravljanje vsakodnevnih nalog in vpliv vremenskih razmer. S tem smo v ocenjevanje vključili tako funkcionalne kot tudi socialne in psihološke vidike mobilnosti.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Lakota]
UDC: 376:617.751.98-053.9(043.2)
COBISS: 10970185 Link will open in a new window
Views: 753
Downloads: 136
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Factors associated with mobility of older adults with visual impairments
Secondary abstract: Older adults with visual impairments are at greater risk of social isolation and reduced quality of life due to various internal and external factors. However, we can influence the possibilities of integration into society and, consequently, the quality of life, by increasing the level of mobility. In order to identify the needs of an older individual with visual impairment, we must understand the factors that are associated with the mobility of this population. This way we can adapt the orientation and mobility training to each individual, according to his/her wishes and needs. In this master`s thesis we have specified the specifics and adaptations of orientation and mobility training for older adults with visual impairments. Based on the responses of 35 participants, aged 65 and over, we have identified to which extent older adults with visual impairments travel, if they travel independently, and what factors (social demographic characteristics, features of visual impairment, medical problems, social integration, frequency of falls and fear of falling, autonomy in mobility) contribute significantly to the level of mobility of an individual. Level of mobility was measured by the Life Space Questionnaire. Because mobility is a more complex concept, we included other variables into the measurement, like performing everyday tasks and the impact of weather conditions. By doing that, we included functional as well as social and psychological aspects of mobility in the assessment.
Secondary keywords: blind;age;slepi;starost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Tiflopedagogika in specifične učne težave
Pages: VI, 66 str.
ID: 9134576