magistrsko delo
Petra Zupan (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor)


V sodobnem svetu se pogosto srečujemo s težavo, ko moramo obvladovati veliko količino podatkov. Množica podatkov sama po sebi nima nobene vrednosti. Vrednost prihaja iz analize, vpogledov, ki jih dobimo, če podatke organiziramo na pravi način. Ne moremo ukrepati na podlagi podatkov, če jih ne razumemo, in ne moremo jih razumeti, dokler jih ne uredimo na pravi način ter nato analiziramo in preučimo. V Republiki Sloveniji stanje na državnih cestah zaznamuje nezadostno vzdrževanje obstoječega cestnega omrežja. V zadnjih letih je sicer zaznati povečanje zavedanja pomembnosti omenjene problematike, a ukrepanja se je potrebno lotiti sistematično. Na področju rednega vzdrževanja je potrebno najti sistem, ki bo zagotavljal optimalno porabo finančnih sredstev. Koncesija gospodarske javne službe rednega vzdrževanja državnih cest je javnonaročniško javno – zasebno partnerstvo, zato ima nadzor nad izvajanjem rednega vzdrževanja še posebej pomembno vlogo. Pri tem se vsi sodelujoči pri delih rednega vzdrževanja državnih cest srečujejo s težavo obvladovanja in primernega analiziranja velikih količin podatkov. Za zbiranje potrebnih podatkov je v veliko pomoč obstoječ informacijski sistem VGRC (Vzdrževanje glavnih in regionalnih cest), ki pa na področju zmožnosti analiziranja podatkov še ne dosega želenega nivoja. Zato smo se odločili, da naredimo zasnovo nadgradnje aplikacije VGRC, katere primarni namen bi bil omogočiti uporabnikom informacijskega sistema VGRC hitro in enostavno analiziranje podatkov. Menimo, da bi s tem lahko veliko doprinesli k optimalnejši porabi finančnih sredstev in h kakovostnejši izvedbi del rednega vzdrževanja državnih cest.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;redno vzdrževanje državnih cest;informacijski sistem VGRC;analize;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Zupan]
UDC: 005.525:656.022.83(497.4)(043)
COBISS: 7442529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2319
Downloads: 660
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Valuation of system for monitoring and controlling regular maintenance of state roads in Republic of Slovenia with suggestions for improvement
Secondary abstract: In today’s world we frequently encounter difficulties with organizing and analyzing vast amounts of data. Data in itself has no value and can only become valuable once reorganized, arranged and analyzed in the correct way. We cannot act on the basis of the data, if we do not understand the data we are given, and we cannot understand the information until it is rearranged correctly and afterwards analyzed. The state of public roads in Slovenia indicates insufficient maintenance of the existing infrastructure. In recent years, the awareness of the importance of the above mentioned problem has increased, however, the problem should be approached systematically. In the area of regular maintenance of the infrastructure it is important to create a system which will ensure the optimal use of financial resources. The concession of services of general economic interest is a public procurement public-private partnership, therefore the role of control over the regular maintenance is especially important. All parties, however, are having difficulties with managing and correctly analyzing the data. A major player in the collection of data is the VGRC (Maintenance of the main and regional roads) system. However, it does not analyze data to the level required. For these reasons we have decided to create a design for the VGRC application upgrade. The primary goal of the application would be to allow its users fast and simple data analysis. We believe that this would greatly contribute to the more efficient use of financial resources and to the improved quality of public road maintenance.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;regular maintenance;information system VGRC;analyzes;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 103 str.
ID: 9135593