diplomsko delo
Daniel Lang (Author), Romana Korez-Vide (Mentor)


V sodobnem poslovnem okolju, v katerem podjetja vsakodnevno prihajajo v stik z drugimi kulturami, je uspeh lahko v veliki meri odvisen od razumevanja kulturnih razlik, zato medkulturna kompetenca menedžerjev predstavlja nezanemarljivo konkurenčno prednost podjetij. Pogoji za to pa so poznavanje sestavin kulture, zavedanje o lastnem kulturnem kontekstu ter sprejemanje in odprtost do medkulturnih razlik. Temeljni cilji diplomskega dela so bili poudariti pomen medkulturne kompetence, raziskati kulturi Južne Koreje in Tajvana ter primerjalno analizirati poslovno komuniciranje v obeh kulturah. V ta namen smo najprej opredelili kulturo in njene sestavine, predstavili temeljne modele ocenjevanja medkulturnih razlik, proučili dimenzije komunikacije in opisali proces razvoja medkulturne kompetence. Ključni izsledek diplomskega dela je, da kljub nekaterim skupnim značilnostim Južne Koreje in Tajvana obstajajo razlike med njunima kulturama, ki se med drugim odražajo tudi v poslovnem komuniciranju v obeh državah.


kultura;vrednote;medkulturne kompetence;medkulturna komunikacija;verbalna komunikacija;neverbalna komunikacija;medkulturne razlike;poslovno komuniciranje;primerjalna analiza;Južna Koreja;Tajvan;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Lang]
UDC: 005.57:316.72(519.5:529)(043.2)
COBISS: 12341020 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1044
Downloads: 155
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparative analysis of intercultural differences in business communication in South Korea and Taiwan
Secondary abstract: In the modern business environment, in which companies come into daily contact with different cultures, success can largely depend on the understanding of cultural differences, therefore intercultural competence of managers represents a significant competitive advantage. The conditions for that are, however, the knowledge about the elements of culture, the awareness about one’s cultural context, as well as the acceptance and openness to intercultural differences. The main goals of this diploma thesis were to emphasize the importance of intercultural competence, to study the cultures of South Korea and Taiwan and to perform a comparative analysis of business communication in both cultures. For this purpose we first define culture and its elements, introduce some fundamental assessment models of intercultural differences, examine the dimensions of communication and describe the process of developing intercultural competence. The key finding of this diploma thesis is that, despite some common characteristics of South Korea and Taiwan, there are differences between their cultures which, among other things, reflect in business communication in both countries.
Secondary keywords: culture;values;intercultural competence;communication styles;verbal and nonverbal communication;confucianism;South Korea;Taiwan;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 52 str.
ID: 9136380