diplomsko delo
Manja Lipar (Author), Milan Jurše (Mentor)


Poslovanje podjetij s tujino je postalo vsakodnevna realnost. Podjetja se srečujejo z izzivi mednarodnega poslovanja. Pridobivanje poslov poteka skozi poslovna pogajanja. Ko se srečajo s tujimi kulturami, ki so različne naši, pride do prenekaterih ovir za vstop na tuji trg. Tu je poznavanje procesa pogajanj in tuje kulture ključnega pomena za premagovanje teh ovir. Da bi vstopne ovire kar se da uspešno premagali, bomo v prvem delu podrobno spoznali pomen poslovnih pogajanj, pogajalski proces, vse od priprav na pogajanja pa do podpisa sporazuma. Ugotovili bomo pomen mednarodnih poslovnih pogajanj in njihove strategije za vstop na tuji trg. Spoznali bomo vlogo in pomen pogajalskih taktik in slogov ter okoliščine za njihovo uporabo. Za uspešno pridobivanje poslov v različnih kulturnih okoljih je poznavanje kulture tuje pogajalske stranke prvotnega pomena. Tako bomo podrobno spoznali pomen nacionalnih kultur v mednarodnih poslovnih pogajanjih, vpliv kulturnih dejavnikov, seznanili se bomo s Hofstedejevo teorijo kulturnih dimenzij, raziskali vpliv kulturnih razlik na mednarodna pogajanja, preučili vpliv predsodkov in stereotipov na pogajalce in podrobneje spoznali medkulturno komunikacijo. Analizirali bomo pomen etičnega obnašanja v večkulturnem okolju in se seznanili s prakso obdarovanja s tujimi poslovnimi partnerji. V drugem delu bomo na podlagi izkušenj uspešnega slovenskega podjetja Medex analizirali pogajanja na treh različnih svetovnih trgih. Tako bomo teoretični del podprli z dejansko poslovno prakso, ki jo ima podjetje s pridobivanjem poslov v mednarodnem okolju. Preučili bomo pogajalski slog izbranih držav in analizirali ugotovitve, ki smo jih pridobili na podlagi intervjuja. V sklepnem delu bomo povzeli celotne ugotovitve, ki smo jih preučevali v diplomskem delu.


poslovna pogajanja;pogajalske taktike;pogajalski stili;tuji trgi;medkulturna pogajanja;poslovna etika;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Lipar]
UDC: 005.574:316.72(043.2)
COBISS: 12454940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 763
Downloads: 84
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Negotiation as a method of doing business in different cultural settings
Secondary abstract: Doing business on an international level is nowadays a completely straightforward affair. This stimulates business organizations to find solutions for the challenges of cross-cultural business undertakings. Deals are made through business negotiations. When coming across a culture, which is different from ours, we are faced with many obstacles before entering a foreign market. In this case, getting to know the negotiation process of the counterparts and their culture in general can become a vital element in removing these obstacles. In order to remove the obstacles as successfully as possible, we will first get to know the role of business negotiations and the negotiation process itself, starting with preparation for negotiations and ending in the signing of an agreement. We will identify the meaning of international business negotiations and different strategies for entry into foreign markets. We will describe the role and goal of negotiation tactics and styles as well as the circumstances surrounding their use. For successful conclusion of deals in different cultural environments, knowing the culture of your counterpart is of crucial importance. We will thoroughly explain the meaning of national cultures in international business negotiations, the impact of cultural differences on international negotiations, study the impact of prejudice and stereotypes on negotiating parties, and learn more about inter-cultural communication. We will also analyze the purpose of ethical behavior in a multi-cultural environment and describe the usual terms of giving and receiving gifts. In the second part we will analyze negotiations on three international markets from the perspective and experience of successful Slovenian company Medex. This will supplement the theoretical part of our dissertation with the practical examples of a company acquiring business partners on an international level. We will study different negotiation styles in selected countries and analyze the findings from the interview we have performed. The dissertation will conclude with a summary of findings as answers to questions we have posed at the beginning of our research.
Secondary keywords: business negotiations;negotiation process;negotiation tactics;culture;negotiation style;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: I, 43 str.
ID: 9139743