diplomsko delo
Brigita Božnik (Author), Franjo Mlinarič (Mentor)


V Sloveniji kakor tudi v EU so mikro, mala in srednje velika podjetja (MSP) najštevilčnejša in zelo pomemben člen gospodarstva saj predstavljajo kar 99,8 % aktivnih podjetij, zato jim velik pomen in pozornost namenja politika države, Evropska unija in nenazadnje banke. V tem diplomskem delu sem opisala predvsem zunanje vire financiranja, kateri predstavljajo večji problem pri dostopnosti za MSP, tako sem se dotaknila financiranja s pomočjo bank in pridobitev sredstev s pomočjo javnih razpisov Podjetniškega sklada in SID banke. V času finančne krize so država in EU bile primorane začeti izvajati programe ukrepov za spodbujanje podjetništva in bančnega sistema. Z dokapitalizacijo bank je država banke vrnila v bančni sektor, ki je še kako pomemben za finančno poslovanje MSP. Po vseh raziskavah MSP še vedno v največji meri posežejo po bančnih virih financiranja, po bančnih posojilih v 40% in po lizingu v 37%. EU pa si prizadeva, da se ta trend spremeni in MSP posežejo tudi po nebančnem financiranju, čemur si prizadeva ustvariti enoten kapitalski trg. Cilj evropske unije je dvigniti konkurenčnost do leta 2020, čemur je namenjeno vrsto programov in finančnih spodbud za MSP. Preučila sem možnosti pridobitve finančnih sredstev iz programov spodbude MSP za podjetje v katerem sem zaposlena, ter prišla do spoznanja, da drugih možnosti, razen najetje ugodnejšega kredita z subvencionirano obrestno mero, nimamo. Na subvencije in spodbude iz EU skladov so opravičena samo podjetja, ki so visoko tehnološko razvita, razvojno naravnana in strmijo k internacionalizaciji. V bodoče morajo države posebno pozornost nameniti mikro podjetjem, saj so glede na raznolikost in velikost specifična. Priprava programov naj bo prilagojena za finančno podporo tem podjetjem.


poslovne finance;financiranje;viri financiranja;zadolževanje;mala podjetja;srednja podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Božnik]
UDC: 658.14/.15(043.2)
COBISS: 12441884 Link will open in a new window
Views: 677
Downloads: 74
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimising financial structure in Slovene SMEs
Secondary abstract: Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the most numerous and very important part of economy in Slovenia and also in the EU. They represent 99.8 % of active companies and that is the reason for Slovene government, the European Union and banks to show them a lot of attention. In this diploma paper I wrote about external resources of financing. For SMEs it is a big problem to access external resources of financing. And that is the reason why I looked more closely to bank financing and gaining resources from public tenders of Podjetniški sklad and SID bank. During the financial crisis Slovene government and the EU were obliged to start with measures for stimulation of entrepreneurship and bank system. Banks were returned back to the bank sector by governmental recapitalization, which is very important for financial agenda of SMEs. According to all surveys the most common SME’s resource of financing is bank financing. There are 40 % of bank loans and 37 % of financial leasing. The EU is trying to change this trend. It is trying to encourage SME to use other financial resources and by that it would create unified capital market. The aim of European Union is to raise competitiveness until 2020. For that reason there are many programmes and financial encouragements for SMEs. I studied possibilities for gaining financial resources from SMEs encouragement programmes for the company I work for. I realized that bank loan with subsidized interest rate is the only possible way of financing for this company. The European subsidies and encouragements are intended only for highly developed and development-oriented companies which are aiming to the internationalization. In the future countries must put special attention to micro companies because they are very diverse and specific. Programme arrangements should be adjusted to financial support for these companies.
Secondary keywords: SMEs;financial resources;governmental help;European financial resources;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: I, 31 str.
ID: 9139887