diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacijska informatika
Edmond Plava (Author), Anja Žnidaršič (Mentor), Borut Werber (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen razvoj programske rešitve za pametno steklenico, s katero bodo uporabniki lahko spremljali količino dnevno zaužite tekočine in pravilnost uživanja tekočine glede na njihov življenjski stil in fizične značilnosti. Cilj diplomske naloge je podati predlog programske rešitve pametne steklenice, na podlagi katere bo lastnik produkta lahko zasnoval nadaljnji razvoj, in ugotoviti, ali obstaja interes posameznikov za nakup pametne steklenice s predpostavljeno tržno ceno. V anketi smo analizirali zanimanje športno aktivnih oseb za rešitev, ki jo ponuja pametna steklenica. V opredelitvi pametne steklenice smo definirali osnovne funkcionalnosti pametne steklenice in z analizo ankete potrdili obstoj interesa za nakup pametne steklenice. V uvodu je predstavljeno, kakšen problem rešuje pametna steklenica, okolje izdelave, metode in omejitve diplomske naloge. V osrednjem delu so izpostavljene predlagane funkcionalnosti programske rešitve in predstavljena analiza raziskave. V zaključku so podane končne ugotovitve, na podlagi katerih je mogoče sklepati, da je nadaljnji razvoj steklenice upravičen. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je sprejemljiva cena pametne steklenice le malenkost višja od lastne cene, kar je nižje od ciljev podjetja. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da je največji delež zainteresiranih za nakup v segmentu vsestranskih entuziastov, v segmentu tistih, ki jih zanima samo šport, je takih petina, med racionalnimi kupci pa le peščica. Končna ugotovitev je, da je možno razviti ustrezno programsko rešitev, ki bo izpolnila pričakovanja potencialnih kupcev pametne steklenice.


pametna steklenica;pametne naprave;zdravje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [E. Plava]
UDC: 004.42
COBISS: 7588883 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1217
Downloads: 128
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis describes the development of software solutions for smart bottle, with which users can monitor the amount of daily fluid intake and regular fluid intake depending on their lifestyle and physical characteristics. The aim of the thesis is to propose a software solution for smart bottles, on the basis of which the owner of the product could establish farther development and determine whether there is an interest of individuals for the purchase of smart glass bottles with the assumed market price. In the survey, we analysed the level of interest of recreational athletes for the solution offered by the smart bottle. In the characterization of smart bottle, we defined the basic functionalities of smart glass bottles. The survey results confirmed the existence of interest for the purchase of smart bottle. The introduction presents a problem that is solved by a smart bottle, production environment, methods and the limits of the thesis. In the main part the proposed functionality of software solutions and the analyses of the survey are presented. In conclusion there are final findings on the basis of which we can conclude that further development of the bottle is justified. On the bases of survey, we conclude that an acceptable price for smart bottle is only slightly higher than the production price, which is lower than the company's expectations. We also found out that the largest share of the potential buyers is in the segment of versatile enthusiasts in the segment of those who are only interested in sport, there is only a fifth of potential buyers and only a handful of buyers in the segment of rational buyers. The final conclusion is that it is possible to develop an appropriate software solution that would meet the expectations of potential buyers of the smart bottle.
Secondary keywords: smart bottle;smart devices;health;dehydration;software solutions;survey;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 67 f.
ID: 9139895
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