diplomsko delo


Vse na svetu ima svoj življenjski cikel. Čeprav na to pogosto pozabljamo, je ključnega pomena, ko govorimo o prihodnosti. Gledano z oči podjetnika ima vsak produkt oziroma storitev določen življenjski cikel, nenazadnje tudi sama organizacija. Nekoliko širše gledano pa ima v našem življenju enak cikel tudi partnerstvo, prijateljstvo, dobrine, ki jih posedujemo itn. Življenjski cikel lahko traja različno dolgo, v glavnini primerkov pa ima podobne faze. Prva faza je začetek, rojstvo, razodevanje, manifestacija neke nove energije. Za začetkom sledi vzpon, razvoj, rast oziroma širjenje energije. Na neki točki pa se tudi rast konča in takrat življenjski cikel doseže svoj vrhunec, plato. Sledi faza upadanja, krčenja in nato konec, razkroj oziroma smrt. V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali življenjski cikel izdelka organizacije X. Cilji teoretičnega dela naloge so bili predstaviti izdelek in življenjski cikel izdelka. V praktičnem delu seminarja smo predstavili življenjski cikel izdelkov organizacije X. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da organizacija X v celoti upošteva življenjski cikel izdelka.


izdelki;življenjski cikel;blagovne znamke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Baša]
UDC: 658.62(043.2)
COBISS: 12360732 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1789
Downloads: 259
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Product lifecycle of organisations X
Secondary abstract: Everything in the world has its own life cycle. This often forgotten, but it is vital when talking about the future. Seen from the eyes of the entrepreneur, every product or service has a certain life cycle, not least by the organization itself. Slightly more broadly has in our lives the same cycle, partnership, friendship, goods which are held and so on. The life cycle is otherwise different things to different debt, in most cases it has eXactly the same phase. The first phase is the beginning, birth, revelation, manifestation of a new generation. For the beginning followed by the rise, development, growth, or spread of energy. At some point, however, the growth ends and then life cycle reaches its peak, plateau. Below is a phase of decline, deforestation and then at the end, degradation and death. The graduate seminar we discussed the life cycle of the organization X. The objectives of the theoretical part of the thesis was to present the product and the product life cycle. In the practical part of the seminar we presented the product lifecycle organization X. It was found that the organization X fully takes into account the life cycle of the product.
Secondary keywords: product life cycle of a product;brand;organization X;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 43 str.
ID: 9139908