diplomsko delo
Jožica Krušič (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


S pomočjo oglaševanja se vzpostavlja odnos med blagovno znamko in življenjskim stilom, ki se ujema s potrošnikovo identiteto oz. po tej identiteti hlepi. Za raziskovanje našega diplomskega dela smo si izbrali oglaševanje tiskanih medijev na tujem tržišču podjetja Pivovarna Laško. Tiskani mediji so ogroženi zaradi rasti internetnega oglaševanja. Ljudje tiskane medije dojemajo kot kredibilne, koristne za vsakdanje življenje in intelektualne, poleg tega so lahko zapomnljive vsebine tudi zanesljiv vir informacij. Najprej omenimo, da med najstarejše vrste tiskanih medijev spada plakat. S plakati oglašujemo izdelke široke potrošnje, kulturne dogodke, predstave, sejme ipd. V okolje vnašajo živahnost, zanimanje, barvitost in gibanje. Nihče se jim ne more izogniti, vsakdo jih sprejme zavestno ali nezavestno. Pivovarna Laško d.d. je na področju piva kljub težkim tržnim razmeram ohranila vodilni položaj v Sloveniji. Njihovo komuniciranje s potrošniki je skrbno načrtovano, za kar skrbi njihov marketinški oddelek, pri večjih projektih pa sodelujejo tudi z zunanjimi sodelavci, kot je oglaševalska agencija Luna TBWA. Za potrebe analize bomo izpostavili oglaševanje podjetja, saj predstavlja eno vodilnih podjetij na področju alkoholnih pijač, ki kontinuirano komunicira s svojimi dosedanjimi in bodočimi potrošniki. Blagovne znamke alkoholnih pijač običajno asociirajo na pojme, kot so družabnost, priljubljenost, ponos ipd. Nadvse pomemben je podatek, da večina ljudi oglaševanje v tiskanih medijih dojema povsem drugače od tistega po televiziji ali radiu. Ponavadi jim gredo reklame »na živce«, medtem ko nekateri posamezniki tiskano obliko reklame lažje »prenesejo«, za podjetje pa tiskan medij predstavlja manjši strošek.


oglaševanje;mediji;tiskani mediji;zunanja trgovina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Krušič]
UDC: 659.1:339.5(043.2)
COBISS: 12336924 Link will open in a new window
Views: 772
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Advertising in the printed media of the company Pivovarna Laško d.d. on the external market
Secondary abstract: With the help of advertising the relationship is established between the brand and the lifestyle that matches with the consumer's identity or logs for this identity. For the research of our diploma work, we have chosen print media advertising in the external market of the company Pivovarna Laško. The print media are threatened by the growth of internet advertising. People perceive print media as credible, useful for everyday life and intellectual. In addition, due to memorable content they can be a reliable source of information. First we mention that a poster belongs to the oldest types of print media. With the posters we advertise the products of general consumption, cultural events, performances, fairs, etc. In the environment they bring liveliness, interest, colourfulness and movement. Nobody can avoid them, everyone adopts them consciously or unconsciously. Pivovarna Laško d.d. has maintained in the field of beer, despite challenging market conditions, the leading position in Slovenia. Their communication with the consumers is carefully planned, for what concerns their marketing department. On major projects they also work with external partners, such as the advertising agency Luna TBWA. For the purposes of analysis we will highlight the advertising company, as it represents one of the leading companies in the field of alcoholic beverages, which continuously communicate with its current and future consumers. Brands of alcoholic beverages usually associate with the concepts such as sociability, popularity, pride, etc. The utmost important is the fact that most of people perceive advertising in printing media quite differently as that on TV or on the radio. Usually, commercials get »on their nerves«, while some individuals easier »transmit« the printed form of commercial, and printed media represents a smaller cost for the company.
Secondary keywords: advertising;print media;external market;Pivovarna Laško;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 35 str.
ID: 9139923
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