diplomsko delo
Valerija Štumpf (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


Ptuj, kot najstarejše mesto, živi s turizmom že stoletja, prežemajo ga zgodovina, običaji, šege, navade, biser krone je lepota narave, griči in ravnica v enem, ter naravne danosti zdraviliškega turizma. V tej paleti ponudbe se nahaja tudi majhno športno letališče v Moškanjcih, pod vodstvom Aerokluba Ptuj (v nadaljevanju AKP). "Šport in turizem sta preveč pomembni področji, da bi ju prepustili naključnemu razvoju (Berčič, 2010, 6). " Z diplomsko nalogo želimo raziskati lokalno turistično ponudbo in vanjo umestiti ponudbo AKP v novi, sodobnejši različici, ugotoviti prednosti in slabosti ter predlagati smernice v trženju letališča in njegove ponudbe. Ugotavljamo, da je za novo tržno podobo AKP potrebno:  - aktivno sodelovanje z lokalnimi gostinsko – turističnimi ponudniki,  - posodobitev gostinsko – turistične ponudbe na letališču,  intenzivnejše vključevanje AKP v lokalno gostinsko – turistično ponudbo,  - trženjski plan za AKP,  - osvežena vizija, poslanstvo in strateški cilji AKP. Zaradi boljše preglednosti naloge, so vse ugotovitve in predlogi podani sproti in nato strnjeni še v sklepnem delu naloge.


turizem;adrenalinski turizem;športni turizem;ponudba;trženje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [V. Štumpf]
UDC: 338.48:629.73(043.2)
COBISS: 12562972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 989
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Proposal for the Aeroklub Ptuj marketing within the Ptuj tourism offer
Secondary abstract: As the oldest town, Ptuj has been living with the tourism for centuries and it is imbued by history, customs and traditions. The pearl of the crown is the beauty of its nature, hills and plains in one and abundance of possibilities for health tourism. In this broad range of selection is also a small sport airport in Moškajnci, which is led by Aero club Ptuj (hereafter ACP). "Sport and tourism are too important areas to be left to a random development (Berčič, 2010, 6)" With this graduation thesis we want to explore the local tourist offer and to place the offer of ACP in its renovated, modern version in it. We also want to find out what are the advantages and disadvantages and propose some guidelines for the marketing of the airport and its offer. We have learned that for the new marketing image of the ACP we need:  active cooperation with the local restauranteurs and tourist tenders,  - to modernise tourist offer on the airport grounds,  - to include ACP in the local tourist offer more intensely,  - to prepare marketing plan for ACP,  - refresh vision, mission and strategic objectives of ACP. For more effectual transparency, all of the findings and suggestions are passed concurrently and then once more summarized in the conclusion of the thesis.
Secondary keywords: Aero club Ptuj;Airport Moškanjci;adrenaline tourism;Ptuj.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 38 str.
ID: 9139964
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