diplomsko delo
Karmen Adamič Zlodej (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Živimo v času, ko se vse odvija z neverjetno hitrostjo in imamo občutek, da se naše življenje izmika nadzoru. Kljub vsemu tehnološkemu in informacijskemu napredku, ki nam lajša vsakodnevno delo in naloge, imamo vse prepogosto občutek, da se vedno težje upiramo vsakdanjim pritiskom. Ta moderni način življenja nam prinaša mnogo preglavic, frustracij in takšnih ali drugačnih zahtev, s katerimi smo vsakodnevno preobremenjeni, posledica tega pa je, da lahko posameznika privedejo v stres. Stres je naraven odziv telesa na dogodke, ki posameznika ogrožajo ali ga iztirjajo. V preteklosti je stres pomagal ljudem ohranjati življenja in preživeti skozi tisočletja, z razvojem civilizacije pa se vzroki stresa vztrajno spreminjajo. Ko posameznik zazna nevarnost, ki je lahko realna ali namišljena, se njegovo telo avtomatsko odzove in ga želi pripraviti na srečanje s to nevarnostjo, temu pravimo stresni odziv. Namen stresnega odziva je, da posameznika ščiti pred nevarnostmi in mu pomaga, da se uspešno spoprime s tekočimi in dnevnimi obveznostmi. Vse pogosteje se preobremenjenost s stresom pojavlja v delovnem okolju. Prevelik obseg dela, kratki izvedbeni roki, hiter tempo odločanja in še bi lahko naštevali. Zato smo se odločili, da stres in dejavnike stresa v diplomskem delu podrobneje predstavimo. Prvo poglavje zajema uvod, v drugem poglavju opredelimo pomen stresa, v tretjem poglavju raziščemo, kateri dejavniki stresa vplivajo na delovno okolje, v četrtem poglavju proučimo strategije premagovanja stresa posameznika in organizacije. V zadnjem delu pa s pomočjo ankete podamo ugotovitve raziskave o vplivu stresa posameznikov v Organizaciji X.


zaposleni;delovno okolje;stres;vrste;dejavniki;premagovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Adamič Zlodej]
UDC: 159.944.4(043.2)
COBISS: 12554524 Link will open in a new window
Views: 677
Downloads: 117
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Factors and overcome the stress of the employees in the organisation X
Secondary abstract: We live in a time, when everything takes place with incredible speed and we get a feeling that our lives are under control. Despite of all technological and information progress that relive our daily work and duty, we have all to often the feeling that we have dificulty to resist the everyday pressures. This modern still of life, brings us a lot of trouble, frustrations and other demands, with which we are daily overloaded, and the result is that, they can lead a person in stress. Stress is a natural response of the body on events, that threaten or derail a person. In the past, stress helped people to preserve life and survived through the millenium, but developement of civilization make that stress causes are constantly changing. When a person detect a danger, which may be real or imaginary, his body automaticaly respodns and want to prepare him to face with danger, this is called a stress response. More often stress occurs in the workplace. The excessive volume of work, short lead times, the rapid pace of making decision end so on. So we decided to present in detai the stress and stress factors in our thesis. The chapter one includes an introduction, in the second chapter define the importance of stress. In chapter three we explore which stressors affects the workplace and in chapter four examines the strategies of overcoming the stress by a person and the organization. In the last part, we give a survey research findings about the stress effect by person in the Organization X.
Secondary keywords: stress;types of stress;stress response;stress factors;work related stress;overcome the stress;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV, 43 str.
ID: 9140317