magistrsko delo
Aleksandra Muster (Author), Borut Milfelner (Mentor)


Namen raziskave je bil na vzorcu podjetij slovenske predelovalne industrije ugotoviti, kako dejavniki kot so odzivna tržna naravnanost, organizacijsko učenje, proaktivna tržna naravnanost in inovativna organizacijska kultura vplivajo na tržni uspeh novih izdelkov ob pogojih uporabe sodobnih metod v okviru procesa razvoja novih izdelkov, tržnih in tehnoloških sprememb in uporabe zunanjih virov za inovacije v okviru procesa razvoja novih izdelkov. Večina ugotovitev iz empirične raziskave na vzorcu slovenske predelovalne industrije sovpada z ugotovitvami iz dosedanjih slovenskih in tujih prispevkov, ki so si v rezultatih večkrat tudi nasprotujoča. Ključne ugotovitve dela so, da obstajajo povezave med: • odzivno tržno naravnanostjo na konkurente in tržnim uspehom novih izdelkov • proaktivno tržno naravnanostjo in številom novih izdelkov, vendar le v dimenziji, ki jo opisujejo spremenljivke raziskovanja bodočih potreb • organizacijskim učenjem in številom novih izdelkov, vendar le v dimenziji, ki jo opisujejo spremenljivke, ki se nanašajo na pridobivanje informacij o bodočih potrebah. Iz tega lahko povzamemo, da naj podjetja investirajo vse več naporov v proaktivno dimenzijo tržne naravnanosti, saj lahko le-ta vodi v večji tržni uspeh izdelkov. Nenehno je potrebno razvijati sposobnost prepoznavanja, razumevanja in zadovoljevanja še neizraženih potreb odjemalcev, da lahko podjetja ustvarijo diferencirano ponudbo in pogoje za trajnostno konkurenčno prednost. Pomembno pa je tudi, da podjetja izboljšajo svojo odzivno naravnanost, predvsem tista, ki delujejo v hitro spreminjajočih se tržnih okoljih. Iz empiričnega dela raziskave lahko ugotovimo, da ne zadostuje le ustrezna oblika tržne naravnanosti, temveč obstoj nekih drugih dejavnikov, ki lahko v danih pogojih okrepijo vpliv na tržni uspeh novih izdelkov. Na primeru podjetij slovenske predelovalne industrije smo ugotovili, da lahko z uporabo sodobnih metod in tehnik ter odprtih načinov inovacije podjetja izboljšujejo in pospešujejo proces razvoja novih izdelkov.


trženje;izdelki;proizvodi;novi proizvodi;inovativnost;organizacijska kultura;predelovalna industrija;primerjalna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Muster]
UDC: 658.624(043.2)
COBISS: 12659484 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1025
Downloads: 108
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂcomparative analyses of the key new products' success determinants in the Slovenian industry
Secondary abstract: The main goal of the existing master's thesis has been the identification of how the factors such as responsive market orientation, organisational learning, proactive market orientation and innovative organisational culture on the sample of Slovenian manufacturing industry influence the new product success under the moderating effect of the different use of methods and techniques in the new product development process, market and technology changes, the use of open innovation modes in the product development processes. Most of the findings from the empirical part of this study coincide with the key findings from different literature of Slovenian and foreign scientists and practitioners, the results of which are sometimes contradictory. The key findings of this work are that there is a moderate relationship between: • responsive orientation on competitors and the new product success • proactive market orientation and the number of new products introduced but only in the dimension of variables which refer to exploring the un-expressed needs • organisational learning and the number of new products introduced but only in the dimension of variables that refer to exploitation of the future needs. We can conclude that the companies should invest more efforts in the exploring of the un-expressed needs of its (potential) customers. Under the circumstances of other possible determinants the influence shall be improved. There is a need for constant ability to recognise, understanding and satisfying of un-expressed needs of customers to be able to create the differentiating offer of products and the conditions for the sustainable competitive advantage. It is also important that the companies improve its responsive orientation, especially those who act in the markets that are acting in the turbulent environments. Within the research we have established that not only the appropriate form of market orientation but also the existence of some other determinants have been detected as relevant as they are strenghtening the influence of market orientation on the new product success. In the case of the Slovenian manufacturing industry it has been detected the moderating effect of the use of different methods and techniques and the open innovation modes which improve and speed up the new product development processes.
Secondary keywords: Development of new products;proactive market orientation;responsive market orientation;organisational learning;innovative organisational culture.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 77 str., 21 str. pril.
ID: 9140469