diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Helena Kozole (Author), Bojan Vavtar (Mentor)


Nepremičninski posrednik je po 2. odstavku Zakona o nepremičninskem posredovanju (ZNPosr) fizična oseba, ki za nepremičninsko družbo opravlja posle posredovanja na podlagi pogodbe o zaposlitvi, imeti mora licenco pristojnega ministrstva za opravljanje poslov posredovanja in biti vpisan v imenik nepremičninskih posrednikov. Posredovanje v prometu z nepremičninami pomeni opravljanje registrirane pridobitne dejavnosti posredništva v prometu z nepremičninami, pri čemer posamezni posli zajemajo vse dejavnosti za vzpostavitev stika med naročiteljem in tretjo osebo, pogajanja in pripravo za sklenitev pravnih poslov, katerih predmet je določena nepremičnina. Prav zaradi povečanega obsega dejavnosti v gospodarskem sistemu in normativne neurejenosti je bil leta 2003 sprejet Zakon o nepremičninskem posredovanju, katerega glavni namen je bil določiti pravila za varno in skrbno posredovanje v prometu z nepremičninami, ki jih morajo posredniki upoštevati pri svojem delu. V diplomskem delu smo se dotaknili pojmov, s katerimi se srečujejo tako ljudje, ki želijo kupiti ali prodati nepremičnino, kot tudi tisti, ki opravljajo storitve nepremičninskega posredovanja. Mednje gotovo sodi pogodba o posredovanju, ki jo skleneta nepremičninska družba in naročitelj, kjer se le-ta zavezuje, da si bo prizadevala najti in spraviti v stik z naročiteljem tretjo osebo, ki se bo z njim pogajala za sklenitev določene pogodbe, katere predmet je nepremičnina, naročitelj pa se zavezuje, da bo nepremičninski družbi plačal za posredovanje, če bo pogodba sklenjena (1. odstavek 13. člena ZNPosr). Obvezno mora vsebovati tudi podatke o zavarovanju pred odgovornostjo, nepremičninskega posrednika, ki opravlja določen posel in stroške ter način plačila za opravljene storitve. Poleg virov materialnega prava, kamor uvrščamo Stvarnopravni zakonik (SPZ), in so v njem zapisane vrste stvarnih pravic, vsebina in njihova načela, poznamo še vire procesnega prava, kjer med temeljni procesni zakon na nepremičninskem področju uvrščamo Zakon o zemljiški knjigi, kjer so poleg materialnih določb tudi določbe o zemljiškoknjižnem postopku. Med stvarne pravice, ki so vpisane v zemljiško knjigo, uvrščamo lastninsko pravico in pravico stvarnega bremena, zemljiški dolg, hipoteko in stavbno pravico, med obligacijske pa predkupno, odkupno, zakupno in najemno pravico, pravico prepovedi in odtujitve ter posebno pravico uporabe javnega dobra. Prav pri lastninski pravici prevladuje napačno mnenje, da je za njen prenos dovolj že sklenjena prodajna pogodba, vendar pa je za pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičnini s pravnim poslom potreben vpis v zemljiško knjigo, ki se opravi na podlagi listine, ki vsebuje zemljiškoknjižno dovolilo. Pri prodajni pogodbi, kjer je nepremičnina opredeljena kot predmet pogodbe, mora biti le-ta opisana tako, da je izključen vsakršen dvom, za katero nepremičnino gre. Nepremičninska družba mora pred sklenitvijo pogodbe, v zvezi s katero je posredovala, preveriti pravno in dejansko stanje nepremičnine ter pogodbeni stranki jasno in razumljivo pisno opozoriti na morebitne pravne oziroma stvarne napake nepremičnine (1. odstavek 23. člena ZNPosr). To pomeni, da mora pri opravljanju storitev posredovanja z nepremičninami ravnati s profesionalno skrbnostjo dobrega strokovnjaka.


nepremičninski posrednik;zakon o nepremičninskem posredovanju;nepremičninsko posredovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [H. Kozole]
UDC: 346
COBISS: 7640339 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1129
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Real estate agent is according to the paragraph 2 of the Real Estate Agencies Act (REAA) a natural person, who − based on employment contract for real estate company − carries out estate agency services, and they have to have a licence of the competent ministry for carrying out business of estate agency services, and they have to be entered in the register of the real estate agents. Estate agency services mean carrying out registered gainful activity of estate agency services, where individual businesses encompass all activities for establishing contact among the principal and the third person, negotiations and preparation for conclusion of legal businesses, the subject of which is a certain real estate. Due to the increased scope of activities in the economic system and regulatory disorder, in 2003 the Real Estate Agencies Act was adopted. The main purpose of the Act is to define the rules for safe and attentive estate agency services, and the real estate agents have to comply with the Act. In the graduation thesis, we included the terms encountered by people buying or selling a real estate, as well as those performing estate agency services. Among the terms is certainly a contract about estate agency services, concluded by real estate agency and the principal. In the contract, the real estate agency binds to try and find as well as establish a contact between the principal and the third party, who will negotiate for conclusion of a certain contract, the subject of which is a certain real estate. The principal binds to pay the real estate agency for estate agency services if the contract is concluded (paragraph 1 of the REAA). It absolutely must also contain the data about the insurance against liability, real estate agent performing certain business, and costs and method of payment for the supplied services. Beside the sources of substantive law, which includes Law of Property Code (LPC), and it contains types of rights in rem, content and their principles, we also know the sources of procedural law, in which the basic procedural law in the area of real estate is Land Register Act, which contains substantive provisions as well as provisions on Land Register procedure. Among the rights in rem entered in the Land Register, we include property right and a right to real burden, land debt, mortgage, and building right. Among obligatory rights, we include pre-emptive right, right of repurchase, lease right, and tenancy right, right of prohibition and disposal, and a special right to use public-good. When it comes to right of ownership, people wrongly believe that for the transfer of the real estate, a concluded sales contract is enough. However, in order to obtain a right of ownership for a real estate, a legal business for entering the real estate in the Land Register must be carried out. It is carried out based on the document containing land registry permit. In the sales contract in which the real estate is defined as the subject of the contract, the real estate must be described in a way that any doubt as to which real estate is the subject of the contract is excluded. Prior concluding the contract, the real estate agency checks a legal and actual state of the real estate for which it performed estate agency services, and clearly and understandably warn the contractual parties about the possible legal or actual material defects of the real estate (paragraph 1 of the REAA). This means that a real estate agent must – in the course of performing estate agency services – act professionally with due skill, care and diligence.
Secondary keywords: real estate agent;real Estate Agencies Act;estate agency services;land Register;purchase contract.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 51 f.
ID: 9140569
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