magistrsko delo


Sodobna šola spodbuja trajna in povezana znanja. Tradicionalni načini preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja temeljijo na rezultatih in ocenah, pri drugačnem, alternativnem in tudi avtentičnem preverjanju in ocenjevanju pa znanje pojmujemo kot razumevanje, utemeljevanje, uporabo, povezovanje, zmožnost kritičnega razmišljanja, tehtanje, nove pristope k reševanju problemov, nadgrajevanje znanja in aktivno vlogo učenca. Za uvajanje sprememb je poleg ustreznih sistemskih in organizacijsko-tehničnih rešitev ključen senzibilen in ustrezno usposobljen, avtonomen učitelj, kar je zapisano tudi v smernicah o izobraževalnih politikah, ki jih je sprejelo veliko evropskih držav. V empiričnem delu naloge odgovarjamo na vprašanje, v kolikšni meri so na srednjih šolah opazne spremembe v ocenjevalni filozofiji in kako se odražajo v praksi z uveljavljanjem drugačnih, alternativnih in tudi avtentičnih oblik ocenjevanja znanja. Analizirali smo učne načrte in kataloge znanja izbranih predmetov, v izobraževalnih programih srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja in gimnazije. Ugotovili smo, da so ti usklajeni s sodobnimi trendi in novo kulturo ocenjevanja znanja. Učiteljem nudijo veliko različnih možnosti pri ocenjevanju in vključujejo drugačne, alternativne pa tudi avtentične oblike ocenjevanja. Preučili smo mnenja dijakov o tem, katere oblike ocenjevanja znanja so med dijaki najbolj uveljavljene, katere oblike so med dijaki najbolj priljubljene in kaj dijake pri ocenjevanju posebej moti. V raziskavo smo vključili dijake drugih in četrtih letnikov srednjih strokovnih šol in gimnazije na območju Pomurja. Raziskavo smo izvedli za tri različne maturitetne predmete. Rezultati so pokazali, da se na vseh v raziskavo vključenih srednjih šolah pri izbranih predmetih najpogosteje ocenjuje pisno in ustno. V gimnaziji je v primerjavi s srednjimi strokovnimi šolami nekoliko več drugačnih oblik, alternativnih in tudi avtentičnih oblik ocenjevanja znanja pri slovenščini in matematiki, pri tretjem v raziskavo vključenem predmetu ni razlik. Drugačne, alternativne in tudi avtentične oblike ocenjevanje, so bolj uveljavljene v četrtem kot v drugem letniku. Dijaki z boljšim učnim uspehom so bolj naklonjeni drugačnim, avtentičnim in tudi alternativnim oblikam ocenjevanja znanja, medtem ko po šolah in letnikih ni razlik. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so dekleta bolj kot fantje naklonjena drugačnim, alternativnim in tudi avtentičnim oblikam ocenjevanja. Dijake pri ocenjevanju znanja posebej moti, če učitelj ni pravičen.


srednje šole;preverjanje znanja;ocenjevanje znanja;oblike ocenjevanja;alternativno ocenjevanje;avtentično ocenjevanje;učni načrti;katalogi znanja;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Krstić]
COBISS: 22495496 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1810
Downloads: 432
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Prominence of different ways of knowledge grading at secondary schools
Secondary abstract: A contemporary school encourages permanent and interactive knowledge. Traditional ways of assessment and grading are based on results and grades, but at a different assessment, an alternative and authentic assessment and grading is perceived as comprehension, vindication, application, integration, ability of critical thinking and considering, new approaches for solving problems, upgrading knowledge and the active student role. Beside adequate systemic and organisationally technical solutions, for initiation of changes a teacher is of a key importance, as a sensible and appropriately qualified, autonomous person; that is also written in the guidelines of education policies that have been accredited by many European countries. In the empirical part of the Master's paper we are answering the question to what extent are the changes in graduating philosophy in secondary schools noticeable, and how they reflect into practice with assertion of different alternative and also authentic ways of knowledge assessment. We have analysed syllabuses and catalogues of knowledge of chosen subjects in the education programmes of secondary professional and general high schools. We have found out that they are all consistent with contemporary trends and new culture of assessment. The teachers are offered many different possibilities at assessment and a lot of different, alternative and authentic ways of assessment are included. We have studied the students' opinions on what ways of assessment are the most brought forward among students and what the most popular ones are, as well as what the most inconvenient matters at assessment are. We have integrated the second and fourth year students of secondary professional schools and a general high school from the Pomurje region into our research. The research has been done for three baccalaureate subjects. The results have shown that at all secondary schools integrated in the research the most common ways of assessment at chosen subjects are oral and written examination. If we compare general high school to secondary professional school, there are more different ways as well as alternative and authentic ways of knowledge assessment at Slovene and Mathematics; at the third researched subject there are no such differences. Different, alternative and authentic ways of assessment are more integrated in the fourth year rather than the second. Students with better learning results are fonder of different, authentic and even alternative knowledge assessments, whereas there are no differences among schools or years. We have also found out that girls more prefer different, alternative and authentic assessment rather than boys. It is particularly inconvenient for students if teachers are unfair at assessment.
Secondary keywords: secondary schools;assessments;testing;grading;ways of assessment;alternative assessment;authentic assessment;syllabus;catalogues of knowledge;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: IV, [158] f., [13] f. pril.
ID: 9140875