diplomsko delo
Janja Žalik (Author), Mihaela Koletnik (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Čevljarsko izrazje v turniškem govoru prinaša narečno poimenovanje za čevljarsko izrazje v turniškem govoru prekmurskega dolinskega podnarečja. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej predstavila zgodovinski in geografski oris domačega kraja, kraja Turnišče. Nato sem natančneje prikazala glasoslovni in oblikoslovni oris turniškega govora, ki spada v prekmursko narečje, natančneje v dolinsko ali južno podnarečje. Oris je ponazorjen s primeri. Na kratko sem predstavila tudi razvoj čevljarstva v Sloveniji in zgodovino ter razvoj čevljarske obrti v Turnišču, ki je središče čevljarstva v Prekmurju. V Turnišču se čevljarstvo ohranja preko dejavnosti čevljarskega muzeja in organizirane oblike združevanja čevljarjev ter njihovih simpatizerjev - čevljarskega ceha. Osrednji del diplomskega dela predstavlja abecedni slovar zbranega čevljarskega besedja s pomočjo informatorja g. Jožeta Zavca iz Renkovcev, zelo znanega čevljarja iz domače občine; le-ta se trenutno s čevljarstvom ukvarja le toliko, da si zapolni svoj prosti čas. Rokodelske obrti počasi izumirajo in posledično izginja tudi poimenovanje za staro izrazje. Nadomeščajo ga nove, prevzete besede. Besedno gradivo je zapisano s transkriptivno pisavo, rezultat pa predstavljen v abecednem slovarju. Zbrano čevljarsko besedje v slovarju je razvrščeno po abecednem vrstnem redu. Poknjiženi iztočnici sledita njena fonetično zapisana narečna ustreznica, v prvi in drugi slovarski obliki, in besednovrstna oznaka. Temu sledi pomenska razlaga besede, prevzeta po Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Vsaki besedi v slovarčku je dodan primer iz posnetega narečnega gradiva, v katerem je rabljen ta narečni termin. Zbrano narečno gradivo sem analizirala in dobljeni rezultati dokazujejo, da je izvorno besedje slovanskega izvora, prevzete besede pa so v največji meri nemške izposojenke. Obravnavano besedje pozna le najstarejša generacija govorcev, saj besede počasi izumirajo. Mlajša generacija pozna novejše besede, ki jih je prinesla industrializacija. Rezultati bodo lahko doprinos nadaljnjim raziskavam tega narečja in čevljarskega izrazja. Tako bodo tudi mlajše generacije poznale te stare izraze (ne bodo tako hitro izumrli).


diplomska dela;slovenščina;dialektologija;panonska narečna skupina;prekmursko narečje;turniški govor;čevljarsko izrazje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Žalik]
UDC: 811.163.6'28
COBISS: 22233608 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1001
Downloads: 99
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Shoemaking terminology in the Turnišče local dialect
Secondary abstract: The undergraduate thesis entitled Shoemaking terminology in the Turnišče local dialect focuses on the dialectal shoemaking terminology in the Turnišče local dialect which is a part of the Dolinsko subdialect. First, the theoretical part introduces a historical and geographical overview of my hometown Turnišče. It then outlines the phonological and morphological characteristics of the Turnišče local dialect which is a part of the Prekmurje dialect, more specifically, the Dolinsko or South subdialect. The outline is illustrated with examples. A brief presentation of the development of shoemaking in Slovenia as well as of the history and development of the shoemaking craft in Turnišče, which is the centre of shoemaking in Prekmurje, was also made. In Turnišče, shoemaking is upheld through activities of the shoemaking museum and by the shoemakers' guild, an organised group of shoemakers and their supporters. The main part of the thesis presents an alphabetical dictionary of shoemaking terminology which was made with the help of Mr Jože Zavec from Renkovci, a well-known shoemaker living in the same municipality, who is currently still active in shoemaking, but only in his free time. Craftsmanship is gradually disappearing and, as a consequence, so is the old terminology which is now being replaced with new words and loanwords. The vocabulary material was phonetically transcribed and the results were presented in the dictionary. Shoemaking terminology in the dictionary was written in an alphabetical order. The headword is followed by a phonetic transcription of its dialectal equivalent in the first and second dictionary form, and also by the word class categorisation. This is then followed by the meaning of the word taken from the Dictionary of the Standard Slovene Language. An example from the recorded dialectal material, in which the dialectal term was used, was added to each of the words in the dictionary. The collected dialectal material was analysed and the results show that the original words are of Slavic origin, whereas the loanwords are mostly of German origin. The discussed terminology is known only by a generation of older speakers and this is due to the words gradually disappearing. Younger generations are only familiar with newer words which were brought about by industrialisation. These findings can be a contribution to further research of the respective dialect and of shoemaking terminology. This will be a chance for younger generations to rediscover the old terminology (which, in turn, will not disappear so soon).
Secondary keywords: theses;Slovene language;dialectology;Pannonian dialect group;Prekmurje dialect;Turnišče local dialect;shoemaking terminology;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: 74 f.
ID: 9143336
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