magistrsko delo
Erika Sitar (Author), Slavko Gaber (Mentor), Veronika Tašner (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na obravnavo učencev glede na spol v razredu v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju s strani učiteljice. Zanimalo nas je, ali učiteljice različno obravnavajo učence v razredu glede na spol. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili literaturo slovenskih in tujih avtorjev, ki se navezuje na tematiko spolov in spolnega razlikovanja. Osredotočili smo se na različne vidike obravnave spolov. Najprej smo predstavili, kakšen je splošen pogled na spolnost v družbi. Nadaljnje smo predstavili spolno razlikovanje med moškimi in ženskami nekoč in danes, glede na videz, obnašanje, hotenja in videnje drugega spola. Kako družba definira moškega in žensko ter katere razlike med njima se pojavljajo. Ker vsak odrasli človek svoje predstave o spolnosti pridobi že v otroških letih, smo predstavili tudi obravnavo in vključevanje spola v družini. Kako so otroci vpeljani v predstavo o spolu in kako oblikujejo svoje spolne vloge že kmalu v otroštvu. Sledi predstavitev spola v okviru šole. Kakšen vpliv ima na obravnavo spola šola in učitelji v njej. Kako spol vpliva na same učitelje in kako oni vplivajo na obravnavo učencev v razredu glede na spol. Temeljni namen raziskovalnega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako učiteljice obravnavajo oba spola učencev v razredu. Ali morda katerega izmed spolov privilegirajo ali pa vse učence obravnavajo enakovredno ne glede na spol. V raziskavi učitelji niso sodelovali. Raziskovalne podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo opazovanja ravnanj učiteljic v razredu in intervjuja, ki je sledil po končanem opazovanju. Rezultati raziskave so nam omogočili vpogled v obravnavo učencev glede na spol v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju. Pokazali so, da učiteljice večkrat opozorijo na neustrezno vedenje dečke kot dekleta. Ko so bile učiteljice naprošene, da v razredu izpostavijo tiste učence, ki večkrat motijo pouk, so na seznamu prevladovali dečki. Nasprotno so na seznamu pridnih učencev prevladovala dekleta. Učiteljice so dečke in dekleta med opazovanjem različno vključevale v učni proces. Nekatere učiteljice bolj dečke, druge dekleta. Med izvedbo intervjuja so učiteljice izpostavile dečke kot boljše na športnem, naravoslovnem in tehničnem področju, dekleta pa na umetniškem področju in pri slovenščini. Opisi deklet in dečkov so se med seboj razlikovali s strani učiteljic. Mnenja učiteljic o učencih so se tudi na drugih področjih razlikovala, kakor tudi rezultati opazovanj glede na posamezno učiteljico. Vse učiteljice pa so hkrati izpostavile, da se v njihovih šolah ne pojavlja spolno razlikovanje. S predstavitvijo tematike spolnega razlikovanja in z izvedbo raziskave smo osvetlili obravnavo učencev glede na spol v slovenskih razredih v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju, kar bo lahko podlaga za nadaljnjo raziskavo te tematike.


družba;razlike med spoloma;stereotipi;razred;interakcija učitelj-učenec;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [E. Sitar]
UDC: 373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11015753 Link will open in a new window
Views: 668
Downloads: 134
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Learners´ treatment in the classroom according to their gender in the first and the second triad of the primary school
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, we focused on the learners´ treatment in the classroom according to their gender in the first and the second triad of the primary school by the teacher. We wanted to know whether teachers treated the learners´ in the classroom differently based on their gender. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we presented literature of Slovenian and foreign authors, which is related to the topic of gender and gender differentiation. Our focus was on different aspects of gender treatment. Firstly, we presented the general view of gender in the society. Further, we presented the sexual distinction between men and women, in the past and in the present, according to their appearance, behaviour, aspirations and visions of the opposite gender. How the society defines a man and a woman, and what differences between them occur. Because every adult person already obtains his/her view about gender in an early age, we also presented the treatment and integration of gender in family. How children are introduced to the idea of gender and how they design their own gender roles soon in their childhood. Following, a presentation of gender within schools. What impact has school and the teachers in it on the treatment of gender. How gender affects the teachers themselves, and how they affect on the learners´ treatment of students in the classroom according to their gender. Based purpose of the research was to determine, how teachers treat both genders of learners´ in their classrooms. If they privilege only one gender or are all of the learners´ treated equally regardless of their gender. In the study, male teachers were not involved. Research data was obtained by the observation of behaviour of the teachers in their classrooms and interviews that followed after the observations. The survey results gave us an insight into the learners´ treatment according to their gender in the first and the second triad of primary school. They showed that teachers repeatedly warned more for inappropriate behaviours the boys, rather than girls. When teachers were asked to expose in the classroom those learners´ who repeatedly disrupt classes, the list was dominated by boys. By contrast, the list of diligent learners´ was dominated by girls. Teachers included boys and girls in the learning process differently. Some more boys and the other girls. During the interviews the teachers raised the boys as the best in sports, science and technical fields. Girls in the arts and in Slovenian language. Descriptions of girls and boys by the teachers have differed. Opinions of teachers about learners´ have also differed in other areas, as well as the results of observations in relation to the individual teacher. All teachers have pointed out that their is no gender differentiations in their schools. With the introduction of the topic of gender differentiation and the investigation on it, we shed some light on the learners´ treatment according to their gender in the Slovenian classrooms in the first and the second triad of primary school, which might be the basis for further exploration of this topic.
Secondary keywords: pupil;sex;primary school;učenec;spol;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 83 str.
ID: 9145533