diplomsko delo
Martina Vinko (Author), Tomaž Keresteš (Mentor)


Potrošništvo predstavlja pomemben del ekonomske politike. Gre za množičen pojav, ki se pospešeno razvija šele v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih. Pravno razmerje, ki nastane med potrošnikom in ponudnikom predstavlja vrsto pogodbe, ki jo ureja potrošniško pravo. Potrošniška razmerja so urejena v številnih materialnih predpisih. Na voljo pa morajo biti tudi primerna procesna sredstva, da se pravice, ki izvirajo iz potrošniških razmerij v morebitnem sporu lahko tudi uveljavljajo. Pri tem je potrebno omeniti glavne značilnosti potrošniških sporov, ki odločilno vplivajo na izbiro postopka za reševanje spora. To je, da gre za spore majhnih vrednosti in neenakopravno razmerje, v katerem je potrošnik finančno in pravno v podrejenem položaju v razmerju do ponudnika. Posledica tega je, da sodno reševanje potrošniških sporov v večini primerov ni najbolj primeren način. Zato se zdijo razne oblike alternativnega reševanja potrošniških sporov primerno sredstvo kot ekvivalent sodni poti. Prednost takega načina reševanja sporov je v hitrosti postopka, postopek je manj formalen in cenovno dostopnejši v primerjavi s sodnim postopkom. Ima pa tudi določene pomanjkljivosti. - Postopki niso obvezni in strank ni mogoče prisiliti v tak način reševanja sporov. - Odločitve niso izvršljive. Če stranka odločitve ne spoštuje, lahko potrošnik uveljavlja svojo pravico le v sodnem postopku. - Ker take postopke pogosto izvajajo organi, ki delujejo v okviru gospodarskih združenj, se pojavi vprašanje njihove neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti. Glavni cilj torej predstavlja vzpostavitev takega modela alternativnega reševanja sporov, ki bo zadovoljil potrebe in pričakovanja potrošnikov. Za kar si nedvomno prizadeva tudi Evropska unija, ki s sprejemom številnih direktiv poskuša dvigniti raven varstva potrošnikov v državah članicah. Toda ta prizadevanja vedno ne dosežejo želenega namena. Zakon o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov pomeni prenos Direktive 2013/11/EU o alternativnem reševanju potrošniških sporov v slovenski pravni red. Namen zakona je, da se zagotovi zanesljiv pravni okvir, ki bo določal enotna pravila, pogoje in načela postopkov alternativnega reševanja potrošniških sporov. Vendar se zdi, da na je na nekaterih delih premalo strog, in da ne upošteva vseh posebnosti potrošniških sporov, kar lahko v praksi predstavlja težavo pri njegovi uveljavitvi.


alternativno reševanje sporov;varstvo potrošnikov;potrošniki;potrošniški spor;učinkovitost postopkov;poravnava;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Vinko]
UDC: 366.5(043.2)
COBISS: 5112619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1121
Downloads: 164
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Consumerism is an important part of economic policy. It is a mass phenomenon that has been rapidly developing only in the last few decades. The legal relation that arises between a consumer and a provider represents a type of contract, which is regulated by consumer law. Consumer relationships are regulated in a number of substantive provisions. Adequate procedural means must be open so that the rights arising from consumer relationships, in the event of a dispute, may be exercised. The main characteristics of consumer disputes should be noted since they have a decisive influence on the procedural choice for the settlement of the dispute. This is the case for small claims and an unequal relationship in which the consumer is financially and legally disadvantaged in relation to the provider. As a result, the judicial settlement of consumer disputes in most cases is not the most suitable manner. Therefore, the various forms of alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes seem to be an appropriate means as an equivalent in legal proceedings. The advantage of such dispute resolution resides in the procedural rapidity; the process is less formal and more affordable in comparison to judicial proceeding. However, it also has some shortcomings. - Procedures are not mandatory and the customers cannot be forced in such a way of dispute resolution. - The decisions are not enforceable. If a customer does not respect the decision, the consumer may exercise his right only in judicial proceedings. - Since such procedures are often carried out by bodies operating within economic groupings, the question arises regarding their independence and impartiality. The main objective therefore is to establish a model of alternative dispute settlement that will meet the consumers’ needs and expectations, for which the European Union undoubtedly endeavour. By adopting numerous directives, the European Union tries to raise the level of consumer protection in the Member States. However, these efforts do not always achieve the desired purpose. Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes Act is the transposition of Directive 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes into Slovenian legal system. The purpose of the Act is to ensure a reliable legal framework that will establish uniform rules, conditions and the principles concerning alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes. However, it seems that in the some parts it is too lenient, and it does not take into account all the particularities of consumer disputes, which in practice constitutes a difficulty for its implementation.
Secondary keywords: alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes;consumer protection;consumer;consumer dispute;efficiency of procedures;settlement;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 58 f.
ID: 9148930