diplomsko delo
Tanja Ferjančič (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu želim v teoretičnem delu raziskati in predstaviti: (1) teorijo uganke ter oblike, v katerih se pojavlja; (2) zgodovinski izvor ugank; (3) pojavljanje prvih ugank na Slovenskem; (4) značilnosti literarnih ugank ter definicijo oblikovanja uganke; (5) pomen ugank v predšolskem obdobju, saj so v večini namenjene mlajšim generacijam; (6) različne načine zastavljanja in reševanja ugank z najmlajšimi glede na njihove sposobnosti; (7) katere uganke so najprimernejše za predšolske otroke, (8) kje uganke lahko najdemo; (9) kronološki seznam avtorjev, ki so izdali samostojne zbirke ugank, seznam zbirk različnih avtorjev, seznam zbirk, ki poleg ugank vsebujejo tudi zgodbe, pesmi, izštevanke ali druga dela za otroke; (9) posamezne avtorje, ki so pripomogli k razvoju ugank ali imajo njihove uganke zanimive posebnosti. V empiričnem delu pa bom v skupini predšolskih otrok (1) predstavila uganke in preizkusila različne načine zastavljanja in reševanja ugank. S pomočjo različnih dejavnosti jih bom spodbudila k samostojnemu in ustvarjalnemu tvorjenju ugank. (2) S krajšim vprašalnikom ob začetku in ob koncu celotne dejavnosti bom pri otrocih preverila poznavanje tematike ugank ter nadgradnjo njihovega znanja. (3) Drugi del bo vseboval rezultate spletnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga objavila na spletnih straneh, ki so namenjene vzgojiteljem in vzgojiteljicam za izmenjavanje informacij in morebitno pomoč. Želela sem preveriti pogostost srečevanja s tematiko ugank in njihovo namembnostjo v javnih vrtcih.


literarna uganka;književna oblika;otroci;uganke za otroke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Ferjančič]
UDC: 373.2.016:82-93(043.2)
COBISS: 11031625 Link will open in a new window
Views: 985
Downloads: 92
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Riddle in preschool education
Secondary abstract: In this work, in theoretical part, I would like to explore and present: (1) the theory of riddle and forms in which it appears; (2) the historical origin of riddles; (3) the emergence of the first riddles in Slovenia; (4) the characteristics of literary riddles and definition how riddles are formed; (5) the importance of the riddles in the preschool period, since most of them are for younger generation; (6) different ways of setting and solving riddles with the youngest according to their abilities; (7) which riddles are best suited for preschool children, (8) where riddles can be found; (9) a chronological list of authors who have published independent collections of riddles and the list of collections by various authors; (9) individual authors who have contributed to the development of riddles or their riddles have interesting specialties. In the empirical part I worked with a group of preschool children and I (1) presented riddles and tried out different ways of setting and solving riddles. Through various activities they were encouraged to independently and creative create riddles. (2) I verified the knowledge about riddles and their characteristics among children with short questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the overall activity. (3) The second part contains the results of the online questionnaire, which I published on the websites intended for educators to share information and assistance. I wanted to check the frequency of encounters with the theme of riddles and their purposes in public kindergartens.
Secondary keywords: pre-school education;children's and youth literature;predšolska vzgoja;mladinska književnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 98 str.
ID: 9149777