(diplomsko delo)
Teoretična izhodišča: Uši, drobni insekti, ki jih lahko vidimo s prostim očesom, se prenašajo z neposrednim stikom glav ali preko pokrival. Ušivost je razširjena po vsem svetu. Najpogostejša je pri otrocih med 3. in 12. letom. Širjenje uši je učinkovito v skupinah, kjer so tesni medsebojni stiki. Tako do ušivosti prihaja predvsem v vrtcih in šolah. Pri preprečevanju ušivosti imajo veliko vlogo starši, ki lahko z rednim pregledovanjem lasišča preprečujejo širjenje uši. Medicinske sestre pa s svojim strokovnim delom pospešujejo in dvigujejo kakovost ter učinkovitost zdravstvene obravnave. Glavna vloga medicinske sestre pri preprečevanju ušivosti je vsekakor informiranje in izobraževanje staršev.
Raziskovalne metode: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Za empirični del smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo dela. Izvedli smo ankete med starši in medicinskimi sestrami. V ta namen smo sestavili dva različna vprašalnika. Rezultate ankete smo preučili, osnovno statistično obdelali in jih grafično prikazali.
Rezultati: Uši so problem, s katerim se še vedno srečuje veliko staršev. V naši raziskavi se je s pojavom uši v vrtcu srečalo že 66 vprašanih, kar pomeni 63,5 %. Pri preventivi je najpogostejši ukrep, ki bi ga izvedlo 88,5 % anketiranih staršev, obvestiti vrtec v primeru pojava uši. Sledi preventivno, tedensko pregledovanje lasišča vsem članom družine (89,3 %). Vse anketirane medicinske sestre so se v času svojega dela v otroškem dispanzerju z ušmi že srečale. Izmed anketiranih medicinskih sester je 50 % takšnih, ki so na temo uši že sodelovale z vrtci. 85,7 % anketiranih medicinskih sester opomni starše na redno pregledovanje lasišča, 71,4 % pa na izmenjavanje krtač, glavnikov ter pokrival.
Sklep: Ugotovili smo, da se starši z ušmi srečujejo na letni ravni. Medicinske sestre so mnenja, da se z leti pojav ušivosti ne povečuje, kvečjemu je ušivosti nekoliko manj. Trdimo lahko tudi, da so starši o pojavu uši bolj ali manj dobro ozaveščeni, glede na to, da se še nikoli niso udeležili nobenega predavanja na temo uši. Po drugi strani pa se medicinske sestre trudijo starše opozarjati in opominjati na osnovne težave ter preventivo, ko se uši pojavijo. Prav tako pa se, tako starši kot tudi medicinske sestre, zavedajo pomena preventive in pomena hitrega ukrepanja v primeru pojava uši.
uši;predšolski otroci;starši;medicinske sestre;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[I. Žunkovič] |
UDC: |
614:576.89-053.2(043.2) |
Views: |
871 |
Downloads: |
86 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Theoretical framework: Lice, tiny insects that can be seen with the naked eye, are transmitted by direct contact or through head covers. Lice are present throughout the world. Head lice are most common in children aged between 3 and 12 years. The spread of lice is easiest in groups where there is close physical interaction. Thus, lice are frequently found in kindergartens and schools. Parents play a major role in preventing the spread of head lice by performing regular checks of the child's scalp. In their professional role, nurses raise the quality, speed, and effectiveness of medical treatment. The main role of the nurse in the prevention of lice is definitely informing and educating parents.
Research methods: In the theoretical section of the study, we used the descriptive method of research. In the empirical section of the study, we used the qualitative method. A survey was conducted among parents and nurses. For this reason, we used two different questionnaires. The results of the survey were examined, statistically processed and graphically displayed.
Results: Lice continue to be a problem which many parents must face. In our study, the occurrence of lice in kindergarten affected 66 respondents, or 63.5%. In the area of prevention, the most common measure implemented by 88.5% of the surveyed parents was to inform the kindergarten in the event of lice. This was followed by a preventive, weekly inspection of the scalp of all family members (89.3%). All of the interviewed nurses have dealt with lice at some point during their work at the children's clinic. Of the nurses surveyed, 50% of them have participated with kindergartens in relation to lice. According the nurse respondents, 85.7% remind parents to regularly inspect the scalp, and 71.4% warn parents not to share brushes, combs and hats.
Conclusion: We found that parents deal with lice on an annual basis. Nurses are of the opinion that over the years the emergence of lice does not increase, but is in fact encountered less frequently. It can also be argued that parents are more or less well informed of the occurrence of lice, given that they never formally attended any lectures on the subject. Nevertheless, nurses continue to educate parents and remind them of common problems associated with lice and preventive measures. Both parents and nurses are aware of the importance of prevention and immediate medical intervention in the event of head lice. |
Secondary keywords: |
lice;preschool children;parents;nurse; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
VI, 46 f., 6 f. pril. |
ID: |
9150427 |