diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Varstvoslovje
Sabina Libić (Author), Aleš Bučar-Ručman (Mentor)


Islamofobijo v vseh segmentih je možno zaslediti povsod po svetu. V kakšni obliki in kako izrazito se nekje pojavi, je odvisno od več dejavnikov, največjo vlogo pri tem imajo mediji, ki velikokrat manipulirajo z javnostjo. Predvsem po terorističnem napadu 11. 9. 2001 v New Yorku opažamo porast sovražnega govora, »zločinov iz sovraštva« in pripisovanja negativih prilastkov k besedi islam, ki se nemalokrat enači s terorizmom, dejanja posameznikov pa nenadoma odražajo celotno religijo. Islamofobija onemogoča normalen odnos med večinskim prebivalstvom in muslimansko manjšino ter njihovo popolno vključitev v družbo. Islamska skupnost je v Sloveniji že tako dolgo prisotna in je že toliko poslovenjena, da sta takšen odpor in nestrpnost do njih že čisto nepotrebna. Njihova dejavnost ne predstavlja nikakršne potencialne nevarnosti, v smislu, da bi lahko njihova prisotnost, običaji in celo izgraditev Islamskega versko-kulturnega centra spremenili podobo tega koščka evropskega krščanska teritorija. Tako kot v večini evropskih držav tudi v Sloveniji živi večinoma krščansko prebivalstvo, a kakor koli bi se branili in izogibali, je v vseh državah prišel čas za priznanje drugih verskih manjšin, ki jim je po zakonskih predpisih treba omogočiti postavitev verskih objektov, kjer bi se lahko opravljali vsi verski običaji. Zdi se, da je Slovenija imela privilegij, da s tem vprašanjem nekaznovano zavlačuje več kot 40 let, saj muslimani še vedno nimajo džamije.


islam;islamska skupnost;muslimani;islamofobija;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: S. Libić]
UDC: 316.653:28(043.2)
COBISS: 3138538 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1732
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Islamophobia and its reflections in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Islamophobia, in all it's segments, is traceable all across the world. Intensity and shape of the phenomenon depends on various factors, though the crucial factor tends to be the media that often manipulates the general public. Especially after the terrorist attack that took place on September 9th 2001 in New York the manifestations of hate speech increased, as well as the so called "hate crimes" and negative attributes related to the word Islam. The deviant acts of individuals suddenly reflect an entire religion. Islamophobia prevents normal relationship between the majority of population and the Muslim minority, as well as their full integration into society. The Islamic community, and Islam itself, have been present in Slovenia for so long, that any and all hate or intolerance, as mentioned above, are completely unnecessary. The activity of the Islamic community does not pose any potential threat in a sense that their presence, rituals or even the construction of Islamic religious and cultural center could change the image of this part of the European Christian territory. As in the case of most European countries, Slovenia is also predominantly Christian. And in the cases where some countries were trying to avoid the inevitable, there came a time for recognition of the religious minorities which, according to legislation, needed to be enabled the construction of religious centers, where they are able to perform their religious traditions. It seems as if Slovenia has the privilege to remain unpunished after delaying the building of Mosque for over 40 years.
Secondary keywords: Islamophobia;Islamic community in the Republic of Slovenia;integration;discrimination;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 63 str.
ID: 9150761
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