(diplomsko delo)


POVZETEK Izhodišče: Igra je osnovna dejavnost otroka, ki je bistvenega pomena za njegov razvoj na vseh področjih, od motoričnega do čustvenega razvoja, razvoja kognitivnega mišljenja in kompleksnega razmišljanja, spodbujanja domišljije in soočanja z družbeno realnostjo. Naloga odraslega je, da otroka pri igri spodbuja, ga vodi, mu zagotavlja ustrezne igralne pogoje in mu pri igri prepušča svobodo. Pri osveščanju o pomenu igre za razvoj otrok je pomembna tudi vloga strokovnjakov, ki osveščajo starše o pomenu igre za razvoj otroka. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati vlogo medicinske sestre pri osveščanju staršev o pomenu igre za razvoj otroka in ugotoviti koliko časa otrok namenja aktivni igri v primerjavi s pasivnim preživljanjem prostega časa ter ali medicinska sestra staršem poda informacije o pomenu igre za razvoj otroka v starostnem obdobju otroka od 3 do 6 let. Raziskovalna metodologija: Za pripravo teoretičnega dela diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s študijem strokovne in znanstvene literature. Za empirični del diplomskega dela smo uporabili analitično metodo dela. Kot instrument je bil uporabljen anonimni vprašalnik, ki je obsegal 20 vprašanj, in sicer 16 zaprtega in 4 odprtega tipa. Raziskava je potekala na področju Novega mesta in okolice, zajeto je bilo vaško in mestno okolje. V anketo je bilo vključenih 30 naključno izbranih staršev otrok v starostnem obdobju od 3 do 6 let. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se anketirani starši zavedajo pomena igre za razvoj otroka in da otroci relativno veliko časa posvečajo aktivni igri. Pri tem smo ugotovili, da je vloga medicinske sestre kot osebe, ki lahko svetuje o pomenu igre s strani anketirancev, manj izpostavljena. Medicinska sestra staršem sicer poda informacije, vendar starši informacije o pomenu igre za razvoj otroka pridobijo drugje (strokovna literatura, prijatelji, znanci, mediji). Sklep: Igra je pomembna za razvoj otroka, česar se starši dobro zavedajo. Igra, ki je otrokova naravna dejavnost, naj dobi priložnost da se razvije v vsej polnosti, po možnosti v čim večji odsotnosti elektronskih naprav, ki ne morejo nadomestiti samostojnega razvoja domišljije in igre ter pristne socialne interakcije.


igra;pomen igre;vrste igre;medicinske sestre;dejavniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [B. Pirkovič Ćirić]
UDC: 796.11-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 2221732 Link will open in a new window
Views: 862
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: ABSTRACT Background: Play is a basic activity of a child, which is essential for a child's development in all areas – from motor to emotional development, cognitive development and the development of complex reasoning, the development of the imagination and dealing with social reality. The task of adults is to encourage children to play, to lead play, to provide for adequate play environment and at the same time to allow free play. The role of experts in raising awareness about the importance of play for children's development is very important: experts inform parents of the importance of play for a child’s development. Objective: The aim of the thesis was to investigate the role of nurses in educating parents on the importance of play for a child's development; to determine how much time a child devotes to active play in comparison to passive leisure activities, and to find out if a nurse provides parents with information about the importance of play for the development of a child in the age from 3 to 6 years. Research methodology: To prepare the theoretical part of the thesis we used the descriptive method by studying the technical and scientific literature. For the empirical part of the thesis we used the analytical method of work. As the instrument an anonymous questionnaire has been used: it consisted of 20 questions, namely 16 close-ended and 4 open-ended questions. The survey was conducted in Novo mesto and the surrounding area, rural and urban environment was covered. The survey included 30 randomly selected parents of children aged between 3 and 6 years. Results: The results of the survey show that the parents are aware of the importance of play for a child’s development and that children devote a relatively large amount of time to active play. We found out that the nurse plays a less important role in advising parents on the importance of play. The nurse provides information to the parents, but the parents obtain information about the importance of play for a child’s development elsewhere (scientific literature, friends, acquaintances, media). Conclusion: Play is important for a child’s development, and parents are well aware of this fact. Play, which is a child's natural activity, should get the opportunity to develop in its fullness – if possible, in the absence of electronic devices which cannot replace the independent development of imagination and play, and genuine social interaction.
Secondary keywords: play;importance of play;types of play;nurse;factors;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IX, 65 f., 5 f. pril.
ID: 9151169