diplomsko delo
Matej Koren (Author), Oto Rimele (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu želim predstaviti, kako se lotiti oblikovalskega problema zasnove celostne grafične podobe razstave in monografije Nika Kralja, ki je nedvomno najbolj znan slovenski oblikovalec vseh časov in generacij. Diplomsko delo raziskuje in se ukvarja s procesom oblikovanja celostne grafične podobe najprej na splošno, nato ciljno in konkretno. Zanima nas torej, kako priti do čim boljše, prave in ciljane rešitve za zastavljen problem. Na koncu diplomsko delo predstavlja rešitve koncepta celostne podobe za razstavo in monografijo Nika Kralja. Na začetku diplomskega dela se posvetim oblikovanju na splošno in razložim, kaj je grafično oblikovanje ali oblikovanje vizualnih komunikacij. Nato preidem na segment celostne grafične podobe ali identitete, podobe znotraj grafičnega oblikovanja. Koncept celostnih podob namreč ostaja ena od najosnovnejših in najkompleksnejših nalog oblikovanja vizualnih komunikacij. Podrobno opišem in ponazorim s primeri dobre prakse stopnje/faze procesa, ki se začne z osnovnim izhodiščem, nadaljuje z raziskovanjem, s projektnimi izhodišči, s konceptom in zaključi z izvedbo in upravljanjem. Naslednji del diplomskega dela pa spremlja konkreten zastavljen problem, razvoj, idejni koncept, proces oblikovanja in rešitev celostne podobe razstave in monografije Nika Kralja za Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje v Ljubljani.


diplomska dela;grafična podoba;razstava;monografija;vizualne komunikacije;grafično oblikovanje;identiteta;idejna zasnova;proces oblikovanja;Kralj;Niko;1921-2013;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Koren]
UDC: 766:929Kralj(043.2)
COBISS: 22404616 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1328
Downloads: 132
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this thesis I want to present how to undertake the design problem of the project of the wholesome graphic image for the exhibition and monography of Niko Kralj, the without doubt most well-known Slovenian designer of all times and generations. This is why the thesis explores the design process of forming of the entire graphic image in general, so the methodology about achieving the best, real and targeted solution for the given problem, and represents solutions of the concept of the wholesome image for the exhibition and monography of Niko Kralj. At the beginning of the thesis I pay my attention to design in general and explain what is graphic design or design of visual communication. Then I shift to the segment of wholesome graphic image or identity, the image inside graphic design. The concept of wholesome images namely remains one of the most basic and most complex design tasks of visual communication. There is a detailed description and explanation with cases of good practice for phases of the process that starts with the basic starting point, continues with exploration, with project starting points, with concept and ends with execution and management. The next part of the thesis is a real problem, development, idea concept, design process and solution of the entire image of the exhibition and monography of Niko Kralj for the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana.
Secondary keywords: theses;visual identity;exhibition;monography;visual communication;graphic design;identity;idea concept;design process;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: 68 f.
ID: 9154366
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