diplomska naloga
Barbara Semen (Author), Jože Panjan (Mentor), Dušan Žagar (Thesis defence commission member), Darko Drev (Thesis defence commission member), Mario Krzyk (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava področje odvajanja odpadnih voda. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala dejavnike onesnaženja voda, področno zakonodajo, elemente kanalizacijskih sistemov ter možnosti čiščenja odpadnih voda. V analitičnem delu sem analizirala naravne in družbene značilnosti območja porečja Kokre v občinah Jezersko in Preddvor ter razložila, kakšen je vpliv naravnih in antropogenih dejavnikov na okolje. Na primeru naselja Mače sem z variantno idejno zasnovo kanalizacijskega omrežja podala praktično rešitev za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja površinskih voda iz območja naselja. Prva varianta predvideva izgradnjo samostojnega kanalizacijskega sistema z malo čistilno napravo, druga pa izgradnjo kanalizacijskega sistema s priključitvijo na obstoječ kanalizacijski sistem Preddvor. Za obe varianti sem na podlagi popisa del, obratovalnih in vzdrževalnih stroškov podala oceno stroškov. Z izračunom sem za predmetno območje določila letne vrednosti vnesenega dušika in fosforja v okolje, ki jih prispevajo različni viri: odpadna voda iz gospodinjstev, utrjene površine, gozdovi, njive, travniki, ceste in čistilne naprave. Oba elementa imata ob prekomerni koncentraciji izrazito negativen vpliv na naraščanje količine hranilnih snovi v vodotoku in s tem povezano evtrofikacijo.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;VKI;povodje Kokre;samočistilna sposobnost;čistilna naprava;kanalizacijski sistem;naravni vpliv;antropogeni vpliv;fosfor;dušik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Semen]
UDC: 628.2 (497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 7517793 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1899
Downloads: 500
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Anthropogenic and natural impact on Kokra basin for Jezersko and Preddvor municipalities
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis discusses the area of wastewater drainage. In the theoretical part of the thesis I described the factors of water pollution, legislation in this field, elements of sewerage systems and wastewater treatment options. In the analytical part of diploma thesis I analyzed the natural and social features of the Kokra basin in the municipalities of Jezersko and Preddvor and explained the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the environment. In case of village Mače I made a variant conceptual design of sewerage system with practical solution for reducing the pollution of surface waters from the drainage area. The first option predicts the construction of an independent sewage system with small treatment plant, while the second option consists of the sewerage system by connecting to an existing sewerage system of Preddvor. For each option I calculated total costs, based on the inventory work, operating and maintenance costs. For the subject area I determined annual intake of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment, contributed by various sources: wastewater from households, hardened surfaces, forests, fields, roads and water treatment plants. Both elements have the excessive concentration significantly negative impact on growth in the amount of nutrients in the stream and associated eutrophication.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;Kokra river basin;self-cleaning;treatment plant;sewer system;natural impact;anthropogenic impact;phosphorus;nitrogen;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 86 str., 15 pril.
ID: 9154532