diplomsko delo
Minja Glazer (Author), Branka Čagran (Mentor)


Celostni pristop k otroku je rdeča nit vseh sodobnih teorij o otroku. Bistveno je, da šola, učitelji in starši razumemo tako otrokovo intelektualno in umsko raven kakor tudi njegovo telesno, psihično in čustveno stanje. Nekoč so otroci v šoli le sedeli in mirno poslušali, danes je poudarek na celostnem pristopu k otroku, ki povezuje telesno z duševnim. Kompetentni in ustvarjalni učitelj bo v razred vpeljal sprostitev otroka s pomočjo različnih sprostitvenih tehnik, ki bodo v otroku sprostile njegovo umsko in telesno napetost ter ga spodbudile in motivirale za sodelovanje pri pouku. V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Analiza uporabe tehnik sproščanja na razredni stopnji v osnovni šoli bom predstavila sodobne teorije celostnega pristopa k otroku, prvine kompetentnega in ustvarjalnega učitelja ter pomen gibanja za otroka in sproščanje v šoli. Nadalje bom predstavila posamezne sprostitvene tehnike, katerih dejansko uporabo sem preverila s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika v osnovni šoli in rezultate predstavila v empiričnem delu svoje diplomske naloge. Rezultati bodo dali odgovore na vprašanja: Kakšna je ozaveščenost in usposobljenost učiteljev glede vsebine sproščanja otrok v razredu in kakšna je uporaba tehnik sproščanja v razredu, kateri so vzroki in cilji sproščanja v razredu, katere so tehnike sproščanja v razredu, kakšni so pogoji za izvajanje sproščanja v razredu, kakšna je podpora vodstva in staršev za sproščanje v razredu ter kako so učenci motivirani za sodelovanje pri sproščanju pri pouku? Rezultati analize so pokazali, da učitelji že dokaj dobro poznajo področje sproščanja in posamezne sprostitvene tehnike, ki jih pri svojem vsakodnevnem pouku tudi že uporabljajo. Njihovo znanje o posameznih tehnikah je dokaj obširno. Najpogostejši vzroki za uporabo sprostitve so nemirni, nemotivirani in utrujeni otroci, ki jih učitelji s pomočjo sprostitve poskusijo ponovno motivirati in dvigniti njihovo koncentracijo za nadaljnje delo. Vodstvo načeloma to obliko dela podpira, vendar se kažejo potrebe po večjem investiranju tako v znanje učiteljev na tem področju kot v opremljenost učilnic in razpoložljivost delovnih sredstev za to vsebino. Tudi starši v veliki večini sproščanje otrok spodbujajo, vendar je zaznati, da tako vodstvo kot starši dajejo večji poudarek vsebini pouka in znanju, počutje otrok pa, predvidevam, da zaradi prenatrpanega urnika, učnih načrtov in obširne vsebine, postavijo na stranski tir. Učenci so za sodelovanje pri sprostitvenih tehnikah zelo motivirani in med najbolj priljubljenimi tehnikami so ravno tiste, ki aktivirajo njihovo desno hemisfero, torej njihovo naravno potrebo po gibanju in uporabi domišljije.


gibanje in celostni pristop;vloga učitelja;sprostitev;posamezne sprostitvene tehnike;razredni pouk;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Glazer]
UDC: 37.091.3:373.3:796.035(043.2)
COBISS: 22551560 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1335
Downloads: 242
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of using relaxation techniques in the first period of primary-school education
Secondary abstract: A comprehensive approach to a child is the thread of all modern theories about the child. It is crucial that the school, teachers and parents understand both the child's intellectual and mental levels, as well as their physical, mental and emotional state. In the past, children in school just sat quietly and listened, while today, the emphasis is put on a holistic approach to the child, which connects the physical with the mental. A competent and creative teacher will introduce various relaxation techniques for the child to relax. These techniques will relax the child's, which will be released in the child's mental and physical tension as well as stimulate and motivate them to cooperate in class. The thesis entitled Analysis of using relaxation techniques in the first period of primary-school education will present the modern theories of an integrated approach to a child, the characteristics of a competent and creative teacher and the importance of physical activity and relaxation in school for a child. Furthermore, I will present specific relaxation techniques, whose use I verified with the help of a survey in a primary school. The results of the survey are presented in the empirical part of my thesis and will provide answers to the following questions: what is the awareness and competence of teachers regarding the content of relaxation of children in the classroom and which relaxation techniques are used in the classroom; what are the causes and objectives of relaxation in the classroom; which are relaxation techniques used in the classroom; what are the conditions for the implementation of relaxation in the classroom; how do the management and parents support relaxation in the classroom and how are the pupils motivated to participate in the relaxation in class. The results of the analysis have shown that teachers already have a relatively good knowledge of the relaxation field and specific relaxation techniques, which they already regularly use in class. Their knowledge about different techniques is quite extensive. The most common reasons for the use of relaxation techniques in class are restless, unmotivated and tired children whom teachers try to re-motivate and use relaxation to raise their concentration for further work. The management generally supports these types of work, but there is a need for greater investment both in the knowledge of teachers in this area as well as in the classroom equipment and availability of resources for this purpose. The parents are generally supportive of the relaxation of children, but there is a perception that both the management and parents give more emphasis to the contents of classes and the knowledge, while the well-being of a child is being put on the back burner, probably because of the overcrowded schedule, the curriculum and the extensive content. The pupils are highly motivated to participate in relaxation techniques and the most popular techniques include those that activate their right hemisphere, i.e. their natural need for movement and the use of imagination.
Secondary keywords: movement and comprehensive approach;teacherʼs role;relaxation;individual relaxation techniques;first period of primary school education;theses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 108 f.
ID: 9154749