magistrsko delo
Mateja Skerbiš (Avtor), Katja Košir (Mentor)


Z vstopom v šolo otrok vstopa v širši socialni prostor, kar je velik korak za razvoj socialnih spretnosti. Šolski razred predstavlja socialno skupino, v kateri se vrstniki povezujejo v socialne odnose. Neformalni socialni odnosi med sošolci pomembno določajo doseganje učnih ciljev in razredno klimo. Zato je za učitelja poznavanje socialne strukture razreda izredno pomembno. Učitelj lahko določene vidike socialnega vedenja prepozna sam, zgolj z opazovanjem. Lahko pa uporabi sociometrično preizkušnjo, ali katero drugo tehniko, za merjenje vrstniških odnosov, s katero hitro in enostavno ugotovi socialno strukturo razreda. Glavni nameni magistrskega dela so bili izvesti sociometrično preizkušnjo v četrtem razredu in ugotoviti strukturo razreda ter s pomočjo tehnike Kdo je kdo ugotoviti percepcijo posameznih značilnosti učencev s strani sošolcev. Hkrati je bil namen s pomočjo intervjuja ugotoviti učiteljičino zaznavanje rezultatov. Z različnimi merami sem želela ugotoviti možne razlage za določene sociometrične položaje učencev. Rezultate raziskave sem primerjala z rezultati nekaterih dosedanjih raziskav. Kot v drugih raziskavah, so se pokazale razlike med učenci iz različnih sociometričnih skupin. Sošolci priljubljene četrtošolce v večini zaznavajo kot učno angažirane učence, ki imajo dobre odnose z vrstniki, zavrnjene pa kot impulzivne učence s slabim odnosom do avtoritete. Priljubljeni učenci imajo dobre zaznave o svojih vrstniških odnosih, medtem ko se zavrnjeni večinoma ne zavedajo vrstniškega nesprejemanja. Ekonomski status družin učencev v preučevanem razredu ni pomemben dejavnik sociometričnega položaja učencev. Glede na rezultate sem v zaključku strnila nekaj priporočil za delo s preučevanim razredom.

Ključne besede

razredna stopnja;zgodnje otroštvo;pozno otroštvo;vrstniški odnosi;sociometrična preizkušnja;tehnika Kdo je kdo;sociometrični status;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Skerbiš]
UDK: 37.064.3-057.874(043.2)
COBISS: 21855752 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1872
Št. prenosov: 554
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Social acceptance of children in the first period of primary school
Sekundarni povzetek: When children start school they enter into a wide social space, what is a big step for a development of social skills. A school class represents a social group where peers connect themselves into social relationships. Informal social relationships between classmates importantly determine accomplishment of educational aims and class climate. That is why it is extremely important for teachers to know the social structure of a class. Teachers can recognize certain aspects of social behavior by themselves only by observing. They can also use sociometry or any other technique for measuring peers% relationships with which they can quickly and simply establish a social structure of a class. The main purposes of this thesis were to carry out the sociometric procedure in the fourth grade, to establish the structure of the class and to establish the perception of individual characteristics of the pupils with the Guess who technique. Another purpose was to establish the teacher%s perception of the results with the help of an interview. With different measurements we wanted to establish possible explanations for specific socio-metric positions of pupils. The results of the research were compared with the results of other researches. As in other researches, the differences between the pupils from different socio-metric groups were shown. Popular classmates in the fourth class are perceived as educationally involved with good relations with peers, meanwhile unpopular classmates are perceived as impulsive with bad relationship to the authority. Popular classmates have good perceptions about their peers% relations, while unpopular are mostly not aware of their peers% unacceptance. The economic status of pupils% families in this class is not an important factor of the socio-metric position of the pupils. According to the results, we summed up some recommendations for the work with the studied class.
Sekundarne ključne besede: primary level;middle childhood;late childhood;peers' relations;sociometry;Guess who technique;socio-metric status;master theses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: 73 f.
ID: 9078818