magistrsko delo
Tadeja Pučko (Author), Samo Fošnarič (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi smo proučili obstoječo prakso izvajanja naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti na razredni stopnji v osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 285 učencev in učenk 3. in 5. razreda ter 8 učiteljev, ki so mentorji naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti. Raziskava je potekala na osmih osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju. Od tega so bile štiri osnovne šole mestne in štiri podeželske. Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik za učence, s katerim smo želeli ugotoviti, katere interesne dejavnosti obiskujejo, koliko učencev obiskuje naravoslovne interesne dejavnosti in katere, zakaj jih obiskujejo in ali bi jih želeli obiskovati še naprej. Ugotavljali smo tudi razloge, zakaj učenci ne obiskujejo naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti in ali bi želeli obiskovati katero naravoslovno interesno dejavnost, ki je na njihovi šoli ni. Z anketnim vprašalnikom za učitelje, ki so mentorji naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti, pa smo želeli ugotoviti, katere naravoslovne interesne dejavnosti vodijo, katere vsebine obravnavajo, katere spoznavne postopke vključujejo, kako se izobražujejo za to interesno dejavnost ter kako so zadovoljni s to interesno dejavnostjo. Rezultati nakazujejo, da je zastopanost naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti v primerjavi z ostalimi interesnimi dejavnostmi na razredni stopnji v osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju zelo slaba. Ugotovili smo, da učenci v največji meri obiskujejo interesne dejavnosti iz področja športa in glasbe. Izkazalo se je, da je največji vzrok, da učenci ne obiskujejo naravoslovnih interesni dejavnosti, nezanimanje za naravoslovje. Glede na naše rezultate in ugotovitve, ki kažejo slabo zastopanost naravoslovnih interesnih dejavnosti na razredni stopnji v osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju, smo izdelali didaktični model letne priprave za izvajanje naravoslovne interesne dejavnosti, ki smo ga poimenovali "Mladi vrtičkarji". Le-ta lahko predstavlja eno izmed mnogih rešitev za širjenje interesa za naravoslovje med učenci in pomoč učiteljem pri načrtovanju naravoslovnih dejavnosti.


interesne dejavnosti;naravoslovje;razredna stopnja;osnovne šole;Prekmurje;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Pučko]
UDC: 37.091.2:50(043.2)
COBISS: 22520328 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1014
Downloads: 128
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis we have researched the existing practice of the performance of natural science extracurricular activities on the primary level in primary schools in Prekmurje. The research included 285 pupils of 3rd and 5th grade and 8 teachers as mentors of natural science extracurricular activities. The research was performed in 8 primary schools in Prekmurje of which 4 are urban and 4 are rural primary schools. We used a survey questionnaire to ask the pupils which extracurricular activities they attend, how many pupils attend natural science extracurricular activities and which ones, why they attend those activities and do they want to continue attending the activities. We searched for reasons why pupils do not attend natural science extracurricular activities and whether they would like to attend any other natural science extracurricular activity which is not performed at their school. With the survey questionnaire for the teachers, who are mentors for natural science extracurricular activities, we wanted to find out which natural science extracurricular activities they organize, which contents they discuss, which cognitive processes they include, how they educate themselves for the specific extracurricular activity and whether they are satisfied with the specific extracurricular activity. The results indicate a very low representation of natural science extracurricular activities in comparison with other extracurricular activities on the primary level in primary schools in Prekmurje. We came to a conclusion that pupils mostly attend extracurricular activities in the fields of sport and music. The main reason why pupils do not attend natural science extracurricular activities is lack of interest in them. Regarding our results and findings, which show a low representation of natural science extracurricular activities on the primary level in primary schools in Prekmurje, we made a didactic model of an annual plan for performing natural science extracurricular activities and we named it "Mladi vrtnarji" ("Young gardeners"). This plan could be one of the solutions for expanding interest in natural science among pupils and could also help teachers plan natural science extracurricular activities.
Secondary keywords: extracurricular activities;natural science;primary level of primary school;primary school;Prekmurje;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 120 f., [7] f. pril.
ID: 9155264