magistrska naloga


Sprememba delodajalca je v praksi pogosto uporabljen institut delovnega prava. Ureditev spremembe delodajalca v slovenskem pravnem redu je v celoti harmonizirana z usmeritvami iz Direktive 2001/23/ES in ob tem upošteva tudi pomembnejša stališča, ki so se oblikovala preko sodne prakse sodišča EU. Primarni namen zakonske ureditev tega instituta je varstvo pravic delavec v primeru spremembe delodajalca, do katere pride zaradi prenosa podjetja od delodajalca prenosnika na delodajalca prevzemnika oziroma v primerih delitve ali združitve. Po tem, ko je jasno, da gre za spremembo delodajalca, je z vidika delavca najpomembnejše vprašanje, kako bo ta sprememba vplivala na obstoječe delovno razmerje, ki običajno temelji na pogodbi o zaposlitvi sklenjeni z delodajalcem prenosnikom. Zato je z vidika delavca pomembno, da ZDR-1 jasno določa, da sprememba delodajalca ni utemeljen razlog za odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi in da je določena avtomatičnost vstopa delodajalca prevzemnika v delovno razmerje s prenesenim delavcem. Za delodajalca prevzemnika pa je pomembno vprašanje koliko časa velja prepoved spreminjanja prenesene pogodbe o zaposlitvi in ali je ta prepoved absolutna. Po drugi strani je za prenesenega delavca avtomatičnost vstopa v delovno razmerje z novim delodajalcem lahko sporna, če ne želi nadaljevati delovnega razmerja z delodajalec prevzemnikom ali v primeru, ko pride do poslabšanja pravic iz pogodbo zaposlitvi oziroma bistvene spremembe pogojev dela pri delodajalcu prevzemniku. Analiza položaja delavca in delodajalca prenosnika po prenosu, s poudarkom na možnosti preučitvi možnosti spremembe pogodbe o zaposlitvi kmalu po prenosu, je predmet te magistrske naloge.


delovno pravo;sprememba delodajalca;prenos podjetja;sprememba pogodbe o zaposlitvi;varstvo pogodbenih pravic;prenehanje delovnega razmerja;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Kristarić]
UDC: 331.106.44(043.3)
COBISS: 5205291 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1271
Downloads: 156
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The change of employer is in practice commonly used institute of employment law. Regime of change of employer in Slovenia legal is fully harmonized with the guidelines set out in Directive 2001/23 / EC, taking into account the significant observations, which were formed through the case law of the EU Court. The primary purpose of the legal regulation of this institute is to protect the rights of workers in the event of a change of employer, which occurs due to the transfer of an undertaking from the employer of the transferor to the transferee or in cases of mergers or divisions. After it is clear that a change of employer occurred, from the employee’s perspective the most important question is how this change will affect the existing employment relationship, which is usually based on the employment contract concluded with the employer transferor. Therefore, from the perspective of the employee it is important that the ZDR-1 clearly states that the change of employer is not a valid reason for termination of employment contract and that a transferee automatically enters in an employment relationship with the transferred employees. For the transferee it is important to question how long the prohibition of changes of a contract of employment apply and whether that prohibition is absolute. On the other hand, for the transferred employee the automatic entry into employment with the new employer may be controversial, if he doesn’t want to continue employment relationship with the transferee or rights under the employment contract with the transferee deteriorate for objective reasons and the employee’s conditions of work with the transferee significantly change. Analysis of the situation of the employee and transferee after the transfer, with the emphasis on the possibility of examining the possibility of amending the contract of employment shortly after the transfer is the subject of this thesis.
Secondary keywords: employment law;change of employer;business transfer;change of employment contracts;protection of contractual rights;termination of employment;master thesis;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: VII, 113 f.
ID: 9157116