magistrska naloga
Uroš Krajnc (Avtor), Aleksej Cvetko (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi sem proučeval institut odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi iz poslovnih razlogov večjemu številu delavcev. V obdobju po nastopu gospodarske in ekonomske krize v letu 2008 so podjetja prešla skozi razgibano obdobje preoblikovanj in reorganizacij. Znaten upad prihodkov, ki je v veliki meri posledica nepripravljenosti podjetij na vstop v krizno obdobje, je pripeljal do obsežnejšega odpuščanja zaposlenih tudi v slovenskem prostoru. Strošek dela je namreč eden izmed ključnih in najpomembnejših stroškov, ki nastajajo v okviru delovanja podjetja. V nalogi sem proučeval možnosti optimiranja stroškov dela in predvsem analiziral, na kakšen način to počnejo v nekaterih drugih evropskih državah ter kakšne ukrepe lahko izvede delodajalec in zakonodajalec, da bi v čim večji meri zaustavil masovno odpuščanje. Osrednji del magistrske naloge je bil proučiti ureditev kolektivnih odpustov v Republiki Sloveniji in ureditev primerjati z nekaterimi evropskimi državami. Zanimala me je predvsem razlika med individualnim odpustom iz poslovnega razloga in kolektivnim odpustom večjega števila zaposlenih. Proučil sem, kateri so koraki, ki jih mora delodajalec izvesti v postopku odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi iz poslovnih razlogov večjemu številu zaposlenih in še zlasti, kakšne so pasti, na katere mora paziti delodajalec v postopku odpuščanja iz poslovnih razlogov. Sodna praksa je tudi na področju kolektivnih odpustov doživela spremembe, ki sem jih analiziral. Zanimalo me je, kakšne so bile v tej zvezi spremembe delovnopravne zakonodaje ob zadnji reformi trga dela v letu 2013, predvsem pa, ali obstaja korelacija oziroma vzročna zveza med številom odpovedi pogodb o zaposlitvi iz poslovnega razloga in številom vloženih tožb iz naslova nezakonite odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi iz poslovnega razloga ter kakšno je gibanje števila tožb po letu 2014, ko je bil sprejet ZDR-1. Zakon o delovnih razmerjih je v slovenski delovnopravni prostor prinesel veliko mero fleksibilnosti in varne prožnosti. Pritisk gospodarske krize, ki se je izkazoval zlasti skozi veliko brezposelnost in togost ali rigidno urejenost nekaterih institutov v delovnopravnem okviru, sta omogočila pogoje za spremembo Zakona o delovnih razmerjih. Proučil sem institute, ki delodajalcu omogočajo večjo fleksibilnost in ki so bili v veliki meri sprejeti za zajezitev skokovite in nenadzorovane rasti brezposelnosti ter masovnega odpuščanja. Menim, da je za presojo delovanja trga dela ključno pravilno razmerje med fleksibilnostjo in varno prožnostjo, ko so torej delodajalcu na voljo instrumenti in delovnopravni okvir, ki mu omogoča optimizacijo stroškov dela, ter na drugi strani socialna in pravna varnost delavca, ko je delavcu zagotovljen pričakovan standard varnosti v delovnem razmerju z delodajalcem. Proučil sem, kako sta se na krizo odzvali sosednji državi Republika Avstrija in Republika Hrvaška ter kateri so bili ključni ukrepi, ki sta jih državi sprejeli v okviru delovnopravnega področja. Zanimiv je še zlasti časovni pogled sprejemanja protikriznih ukrepov v primerjanih državah ter način sodelovanja vseh udeleženih strani v postopku sprejemanja reform, pri čemer mislim tako na predstavnike delavcev kot predstavnike delodajalcev. Velik del ukrepov, ki jih je v slovenskem prostoru še mogoče izvesti, spada zlasti na davčno področje, pri čemer sem v nalogi izpostavil obdavčitev dohodka. Analiziral sem primerjani državi in prišel do presenetljivih ugotovitev. Slovenija ima dejansko izrazito pretirano obdavčitev stroškov dela.

Ključne besede

pogodba o zaposlitvi;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [U. Krajnc]
UDK: 331.105.44(043.3)
COBISS: 5229867 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1876
Št. prenosov: 175
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Termination of employment contracts due to business reasons in a larger number of workers (collective redundancies)
Sekundarni povzetek: In my master's thesis I have studied the institute of termination of employment contract due to business reasons in a larger number of workers. In the period after the onset of economic crisis in the year 2008 companies or organizations passed through a period of dynamic transformations and reorganisations. A significant decline in revenues that is to a large extent a consequence of unpreparedness of companies to enter a period of crisis resulted in a comprehensive dismissal of employees also in Slovenian space. Labour cost is namely one of the key and most vital costs that occur within the functioning of a company. In my thesis I have examined the possibilities of labour cost optimization and primarily analysed how this is done in some other European countries and what measures an employer and legislator can conduct in order to, as much as it is possible, cease massive dismissal. The central part of my master's thesis was to examine the regulation of collective redundancies in the Republic of Slovenia and to compare the regulation with some European countries. Primarily I was interested in the difference between individual dismissal due to business reason and collective redundancies of a larger number of employees. I have studied the steps that an employer has to conduct in the procedure of termination of employment contract due to business reasons in a larger number of workers and also, especially, what the traps are to which an employer in the procedure of dismissal due to business reasons has to pay attention. Judicial practice has also in the area of collective redundancies experienced changes which I have analysed. I was interested in changes of labour legislation in this sense, with the last labour market reform in 2013, and primarily in whether there is a correlation or causal link between the number of termination of employment contract due to business reason and the number of filed lawsuits arising from illegal termination of employment contract due to business reason and in the movement of the number of lawsuits after 2014 when Labour Relations Act-1 (ZDR-1) was adopted. Labour Relations Act has contributed to the Slovenian labour law system a great deal of safe flexibility. The pressure of economic crisis was shown particularly through high unemployment and rigidity or rigid regulation of some institutes within labour law frame that have facilitated the conditions for an alteration of Labour Relations Act. I have examined institutes that facilitate greater flexibility for an employer and that were to a large extent adopted for the restraint of sharp and uncontrolled growth of unemployment and massive redundancies. I am of the opinion that for the assessment of labour market functioning it is crucial that there is a correct relation between safe flexibility when an employer has instruments and labour law frame available which facilitates optimization of labour costs and, on the other hand, social and legal safety of a worker when a worker is guaranteed expected standard of safety in a labour relation with an employer. I have studied how the neighbouring countries, Republic of Austria and Republic of Croatia, responded to the crisis and which were key measures that both countries have taken within the labour law area. Particularly interesting is also a time view of taking anti-crisis measures in the compared countries and the mode of cooperation of all involved participants in the procedure of adopting reforms, wherein I have in mind representatives of employees as well as representatives of employers. A large part of measures that can be taken in the Slovenian space is searching in particular in the tax area, wherein I have exposed income taxation in my thesis. I have analysed the compared countries and have come to surprising conclusions. Slovenia has actually markedly excessive taxation on labour costs.
Sekundarne ključne besede: employment contract;master thesis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 218 str.
ID: 9156547