diplomska naloga
Problematika urbanizacije okolja se odraža s posegi v naravni prostor, kjer se naravne površine nadomešča s pozidanimi površinami. Takšne spremembe in regulacije v vodnem okolju predstavljajo praviloma negativne vplive, na podlagi lastnosti odvodnje pa posledično večje obremenitve okolja. Bistvene spremembe se kažejo na lastnostih odotka iz prispevnih površin kot samega režima vodotoka. Posledice so še večja spiranja onesnažil v vodotok in pogostejše oziroma intenzivnejše poplave. Eden izmed takšnih mestnih vodotokov je potok Glinščica, ki je bil v preteklosti podvržen intenzivnim regulacijam in sanacijam struge. Na omenjenem vodotoku so bile v preteklosti narejene meritve v sklopu državnega monitoringa, kot tudi posamezne meritve za študijske potrebe. V zadnjih desetih letih po obsežnejših raziskavah, pa so bila posamezna območja še intenzivnejše izpostavljena antropogenim vplivom, saj so bili v neposredni bližini zgrajeni posamezni objekti, ki te obremenitve le še povečujejo. S tem so bile obvodne zelene površine še dodatno reducirane. Bistvene probleme na tem področju še vedno predstavljajo padavinske vode, njihova odvodnja in zadrževanje na okoliških zelenih površinah. V diplomski nalogi sem poleg splošnega opisa vodnega okolja in obremenitev še okvirno računsko opredelil obremenitve iz posameznih prispevnih površin in ocenil obravnavano stanje okolja.
gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;VKI;Nuv;Glinščica;antropogeno onesnaževanje;čiščenje odpadne vode;obremenitve s hranili;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering |
Publisher: |
[M. Slivar] |
UDC: |
556.52:502.54(497.4Glinščica)(043.2) |
Views: |
1630 |
Downloads: |
423 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Natural and anthropogenic contaminants of stream Glinščica |
Secondary abstract: |
The problems of urbanization are shown throughout replacing natural space with the built-up areas. Such changes and regulations in the aquatic environment constitute negative impacts and increase pressure on the environment and characteristics of drainage. Significant changes are reflected in the drainage properties from catchment areas and are shown as the new regime of the watercourse. The consequences are even greater with leaching pollutants into a watercourse and more frequent and intense floods. One such urban watercourse is a stream Glinščica, which was previously subject to intense regulation and remediation of the channel. At this stream were previously made measurements within the state monitoring, as well as individual measurements for study purposes. In the last ten years since extensive research were made, individual areas were exposed to intense anthropogenic impact with newly build areas around its watercourse, wich only intensify the pollutions. Becasue of that the green space is being further reduced. Main problems in this area continues to represent the drainage of water and retention in the surrounding green areas. In my thesis in addition to a general description of the aquatic environment I calculated the stress load pollution of drainage from catchment areas and assess the present state of the environment. |
Secondary keywords: |
graduation thesis;civil engineering;Nuv;Glinščica;anthropogenic water pollution;wastewater treatment;nutrients pollution; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
X, 65 str., 4 pril. |
ID: |
9159171 |