diplomsko delo
Anton Janžič (Author), Mirko Ficko (Mentor)


V proizvodnem procesu Impol FT se obstoječa proizvodna hala, kjer poteka valjanje folij na novi lokaciji, širi zaradi ukinitve proizvodnje folij na stari lokaciji. Zaradi velike oddaljenosti med proizvodnjama izgubljamo čas in kakovost delovnega procesa. Opravila se bo prestavitev strojev iz stare na novo lokacijo ter reorganizacija proizvodnje na novi lokaciji. Zaradi tega je bilo potrebno oblikovati novo razporeditev naprav. Za oblikovanje slednje je bilo potrebno ugotoviti materialne poti. Podatke materialnih poti smo zbirali in vstavili v OD/KAM tabelo. Zbrane podatke iz tabele OD/KAM smo vstavili v optimizacijski program. Slednji nam je podal tri najboljše rešitve razporeditve naprav. Po preučitvi podanih rešitev le-te zaradi tehnoloških omejitev niso bile v celoti ustrezne. Pri oblikovanju izvedljive razporeditve naprav smo upoštevali podane rešitve z optimizacijskim programom ter omejitve. Po korakih smo izoblikovali izvedljive razporeditve naprav z vsemi omejitvami, za postavitev v proizvodnji razrezne linije folij. Menim, da bi z upoštevanjem podanih predlogov, ki so opisani v diplomskem delu, pridobili na kakovosti proizvodnega procesa. Z novo razporeditvijo naprav bi pridobili kakovosten in konkurenčnejši proizvodni proces, dragocen čas, urejeno delovno okolje, čisto proizvodnjo, minimalne transportne poti med stroji, kvalitetnejši končni izdelek.


razrezna linija folij;omejen prostor;omejitve;oblikovanje razporeda naprav;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Janžič]
UDC: 621.771.8:669.718(043.2)
COBISS: 20302102 Link will open in a new window
Views: 843
Downloads: 89
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Designing of layout of production line for aluminium foil cutting considering technological limitations
Secondary abstract: In the production process of Impol FT, the existing production hall where the foil rolling takes place is expanding due to abolishment of the foil production at the old location. The large distance between the production locations result in time waste and lower quality of the work process. The machines will therefore be moved to the new location where the production will be reorganized. For this reason, a new arrangement of the machines had to be made; but first the material routes had to be examined. The latter were collected and inserted into a FROM/TO Table. The data collected from the Table FROM/TO were inserted in the optimization program which gave us three best solutions for the machine arrangement. After examining the given solutions we discovered that owing to technological limitations they were not fully adequate. The designing of a workable machine arrangement considered both the given solutions with optimization program and the restrictions. In the production of foil cutting line, feasible machine arrangements with any restrictions were designed step by step. I believe that considering the proposals described in this thesis would improve the quality of the production process. New machine arrangement would result in manufacturing process of higher quality and increased competitiveness, precious time, neat working environment, clean production, minimal transport routes between the machines, and high-quality end product.
Secondary keywords: aluminium foil cutting line;limited space;restrictions;design of the machine arrangement;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: X, 45 f.
ID: 9160850