(diplomsko delo)
Tina Hohler (Author), Jasmina Nerat (Mentor)


Multipla skleroza se pri večini pacientov začne kot obdobje z nepredvidljivimi ponovitvami in remisijami bolezni. Simptome in znake multiple skleroze delimo na tipične, ki so najpogostejši in atipične, ki so bolj redki. Najbolj izraženi znaki multiple skleroze so motnje čutenja, preživahni refleksi ter motnje vida in govora. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti možnost samooskrbe pri ljudeh z multiplo sklerozo in analizirati kako imajo prilagojeno okolje za lažje izvajanje vsakodnevnih aktivnosti. V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, empirični del je temeljil na kvantitativni metodi dela. Za zbiranje empiričnih podatkov je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik s vprašanji odprtega in zaprtega tipa. Urejene in analizirane podatke smo predstavili v grafih in tabelah. V raziskavi smo anketirali 145 oseb s potrjeno diagnozo multiple skleroze, starih več kot 18 let. Raziskavo smo izvedli med člani Združenja multiple skleroze Slovenije, v eni izmed podružničnih enot ter na spletu, na enem izmed družbenih omrežij, v skupini, v katero so vključeni samo pacienti z multiplo sklerozo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da lahko 56,6 % anketiranih pacientov še vedno samih skrbi zase, medtem ko se 30,3 % tistih, ki potrebujejo delno pomoč, največkrat obrne na svojo družino. 37,2 % vseh anketirancev je navedlo, da so najmanj samostojni pri gibanju, predvsem pri hoji. Prav tako 46 % anketirancev meni, da so najhujše posledice multiple skleroze težave pri hoji. Za lažje zadovoljevanje svojih potreb, pa anketirani največkrat poskrbijo z ograjo na stopnišču, kar je navedlo 57,2 % vseh vprašanih. V raziskavi je ugotovljeno, da je večina anketiranih pacientov z multiplo sklerozo še vedno samostojnih ter za svoje delovanje potrebujejo le občasno pomoč drugih oseb. Pacientom je lahko v veliko oporo tudi članstvo v Združenju multiple skleroze Slovenije, kjer jim nudijo pomoč pri spopadanju z boleznijo ter jim omogočajo vsakoletne terapije v zdraviliščih. Za obolele bi bila brezplačna asistenca in pomoč, ki bi bila na voljo kadarkoli, ključna, saj bi le tako lahko čim dlje časa živeli v domačem okolju.


multipla skleroza;samooskrba;pacienti;osnovne življenjske potrebe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [T. Hohler]
UDC: 616.832(043.2)
COBISS: 2240932 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1368
Downloads: 218
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Self-sufficiency of patients with multiple sclerosis in domestic environment
Secondary abstract: For the majority of patients, multiple sclerosis begins as a period of unpredictable recurrences and remissions. Symptoms and signs of the multiple sclerosis can be divided into typical or the most common, and atypical, which occur rarely. The most pronounced signs are sentience function disorders, (overly) lively reflexes and impaired vision and speech. The aim of the diploma paper is to establish the possibilities of self-sufficiency in people with multiple sclerosis and analyze how their environment can be adapted in order to make their activities of daily living easier.The descriptive method was applied in the diploma paper; however, the empirical section is based on the quantitative method. The empirical data was gathered by means of a questionnaire, consisting of both open and closed type questions. The analyzed data are organized and presented by means of graphs and tables. 145 respondents over the age of 18 and with a confirmed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis were included in the survey, which was distributed among members of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Slovenia, one of its branches as well as online, where the survey was published on a social network within an multiple sclerosis patients’ group.The research results show that 56,6 % of the surveyed patients are still able to take care of themselves, while 30,3 % of those who do require partial help turn to family members. 37,2 % of all respondents claim they are least independent in terms of motion, especially walking, which, in turn, limits their carrying out of other basic necessities. Furthermore, 46 % of the respondents believe they find trouble (with) walking the most daunting of all the consequences of multiple sclerosis. To better meet their needs, the respondents are most often provided with a staircase fence, which was mentioned by 57,2 % of all respondents. It can be established from the research that the majority of the patients included in the survey still seem to retain independence and only need partial help from others. These patients can find considerable support from the members of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Slovenia, where they receive help in dealing with the disease and yearly health spa therapies. The most valuable support for such patients would be free assistance and help, available at any time, as this would enable them to remain in their domestic environment for much longer.
Secondary keywords: multiple sclerosis;self-sufficiency;patient;basic necessities of life;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 38 f., 6 f. pril.
ID: 9161243