diplomski projekt
Klemen Šiško (Author), Igor Perko (Mentor)


Mobilne CRM aplikacije olajšujejo delo prodajalcev na terenu, kar je rezultat kombinacije najsodobnejše programske in strojne tehnologije ter izpopolnjenega poslovnega informacijskega sistema. Prikazujejo vse potrebne podatke o stranki, poiščejo lokacijo naslednje potencialne stranke ter avtomatično opravljajo ponavljajoče se naloge, da uporabniku poenostavijo in pohitrijo tiste aktivnosti, ki bi jih sam drugače opravljal dlje časa, vse z namenom, da bo ta imel v svojem delovnem dnevu več časa za svojo glavno aktivnost – prodajo. Mikro podjetja, ki želijo uspešno uvesti sistem CRM, morajo biti na to pripravljena, saj sama implementacija ne povzroča toliko težav, kot jih povzroča nepripravljenost kadra na spremembe. Rešitev CRM v podjetju velja kot dobrodošel informacijski pripomoček, brez katerega marsikatero podjetje več ne bi znalo uspešno delovati, medtem ko manjša podjetja (relativno glede na sektor delovanja in stil vodenja) dajejo prednost drugim področjem v podjetju. Mikro družba, katere core business je prodaja, ki ne presega obvladljivega števila strank, bo krepko razmislila o tem, če sistem CRM potrebuje ali bo svoje finančne in intelektualne moči raje namenila v optimizacijo drugih delov poslovanja.


informacijski sistemi;informacijske rešitve;mobilne aplikacije;CRM;mikro podjetja;poslovno komuniociranje;odnosi s strankami;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Šiško]
UDC: 004.7:621.395
COBISS: 12580380 Link will open in a new window
Views: 849
Downloads: 90
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂAn ǂanalysis of mobile CRM solutions' usefulness in a micro company
Secondary abstract: Mobile CRM solutions’ main focus is to facilitate sellers’ job, which is the result of most modern software and hardware technology combination and upgraded business system. CRM systems show all the necessary information about clients, find locations of the next potential customers, and automatically complete repeating tasks, all with one goal in mind, to make the job of a sales person easier and faster, therefore, he can spend most of his working day doing one activity he should be doing the most, which is selling. Micro businesses that want to implement CRM systems have to be prepared, not because implementation is the hard part, but because the challenge lies in the employees’ unwillingness of change. CRM in a company is a welcomed IT solution that many businesses could not function properly without. Meanwhile, micro businesses (depending on leadership type and sector that company operates in) are giving optimization advantages to other parts in the company. A micro company, whose core business are sales that do not exceed unmanageable number of customers, will strongly consider adopting a CRM system. It may decide to rather put intellectual and financial strengths in optimization of other parts of business.
Secondary keywords: CRM;mobile CRM;micro company;analysis of CRM solutions;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 37 f.
ID: 9161386