magistrsko delo
Rok Žerdin (Avtor), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V današnjem času morajo podjetja za svoj obstoj in uspeh na trgu, zaradi povečanja konkurence, poleg ponujanja kakovostnih izdelkov ali storitev, imeti vzpostavljene dobre odnose s strankami. Podjetja uporabljajo koncept upravljanja odnosov s strankami, ki jim pomaga na enem mestu hraniti pomembne informacije o strankah, na podlagi katerih lahko stranke bolje spoznavajo in jim prilagajajo svojo ponudbo. Gre za računalniške sisteme, imenovane rešitve CRM, ki so povezljive tudi z obstoječimi procesi v podjetju, kar podjetjem olajša uvedbo rešitve v podjetje. Ker živimo v času, ko želimo imeti vse informacije na voljo, kjerkoli smo, temu trendu sledijo tudi rešitve CRM. Uporabnikom so na voljo mobilne rešitve CRM, ki omogočajo dostop do podatkov, zabeleženih v sistemu kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Uporabniki tako lahko pregledujejo, urejajo in dodajajo ključne informacije tudi na poti. Da pa je delovanje mobilnih rešitev sploh mogoče, je potrebna tehnologija mobilnega poslovanja, in sicer mobilna omrežja in mobilne naprave. V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo opredelili področje upravljanja odnosov s strankami, z zgodovinskim razvojem in opredelitvijo postopka uvedbe rešitev CRM. Preverili smo tudi stanje na trgu rešitev CRM. Opredelili smo področje mobilnega poslovanja in njegovo tehnologijo. Navedli smo prednosti in slabosti mobilnega poslovanja ter opredelili področje varnosti. V drugem delu smo podrobneje opredelili mobilne rešitve CRM ter predstavili štiri mobilne rešitve CRM, in sicer Intrix CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Zoho CRM in Salesforce1 mobile CRM. Te smo v primerjalni analizi po izbranih merilih med seboj tudi primerjali in obrazložili rezultate analize.

Ključne besede

računalniški sistemi;informacijske rešitve;CRM;mobilne rešitve;mobilno poslovanje;primerjalna analiza;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [R. Žerdin]
UDK: 004.77:621.395(043.2)
COBISS: 12825884 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 703
Št. prenosov: 121
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Comparatrive analysis of mobile CRM solutions
Sekundarni povzetek: Because of increased competition today, companies, in addition to offering quality products or services, need to have good customer relationships for the purpose of their existence and market success. They can rely on the concept known as Customer Relationship Management, which helps them to store important customer information in one place, whereby they can better understand customers and easily adapt their offer to specific customers. These are computer systems called CRM solutions, which can also connect with existing processes in the company. This makes it easier for companies to implement a solution internally. We live in a time when we want to have all information available wherever we are, and CRM solutions also follow this trend. Users can use CRM mobile solutions, which allow access to data recorded in the system anywhere and anytime. Users can therefore view, edit and add key information on the go. However, in order for the functioning of mobile solutions to be possible, the use of mobile business technology is required. In this context, both mobile networks and mobile devices are needed. In the first part of the master´s thesis, the field of customer relationship management was defined, with historical development and definition of the process of CRM solutions implementation. Also, the situation on the CRM solution market was reviewed. Next, the field of mobile business and its technology was defined. The advantages and disadvantages of the mobile business were presented and its security defined. In the second part, we defined the CRM mobile solutions in more detail and presented four CRM solutions: Intrix CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Zoho CRM and Salesforce1 mobile CRM. In the comparative analysis, these were compared according to the selected criteria. In the end, the results of the comparison were explained.
Sekundarne ključne besede: customer relationship management;mobile business;CRM solutions;CRM mobile solutions;comparative analysis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: III, 69 str.
ID: 10859218