diplomsko delo
Posest je eden izmed temeljnih pojmov stvarnega prava. Posest ni pravica, temveč dejanski položaj, ki je varovan s pravom. Ta dejanski položaj daje posestniku od pravice neodvisno pravovarstveno upravičenje. Namen tega je, da se sporno razmerje glede posesti začasno uredi, dokler se pravnomočno ne konča spor o pravici. Predvsem pa je glavni namen posestnega varstva ta, da vzdržuje družbeni red, saj se z njim poskušamo izogniti samovolji in nasilju.
Poznamo dve obliki varovanja posesti. Ti obliki sta samopomoč in sodno varstvo posesti. Samopomoč je oblika varstva posesti, ki pride v poštev le izjemoma. Za upravičenost samopomoči morajo biti komulativno izpolnjeni točno določeni pogoji. Če ti pogoji niso izpolnjeni, sodišče ne bo priznalo s samopomočjo ohranjene posesti. Druga oblika varstva posesti pa je sodno varstvo. Do njega je upravičen tisti posestnik, ki mu je nekdo motil oz. odvzel posest. Posestni spori se skladno z načelom hitrosti postopka običajno rešujejo v zelo kratkih rokih. To je mogoče tudi zato, ker se v posestnem sporu ne pojavi toliko različnih vprašanj kot v kateri drugi »običajni« pravdi. Sodišče o pravici do posesti odloči le na podlagi ugotovitve zadnjega posestnega stanja in motilnega ravnanja, ne upošteva pa pravice do posesti in dobrovernosti posestnika.
Da sploh pride do odločanja o posesti, mora biti izpolnjenih več predpostavk. Tožnik mora biti v času motenja posestnik stvari, obstajati mora pasivna legitimacija toženca, posest mora biti resnično motena, motenje mora biti protipravno. Najpomembnejša predpostavka, ki mora bit izpolnjena, pa je obstoj pravnega in ekonomskega interesa. Pravni je podan že v zakonu, ko le-ta dovoljuje pravno varstvo, ekonomski pa se presoja od primera do primera. Obstoj le-tega sodišča ugotavljajo predvsem zato, da se posestno varstvo ne bi zlorabljalo.
diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[A. Mom] |
UDC: |
347.27(043.2) |
Views: |
5345 |
Downloads: |
636 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Property is one of the fundamental concepts of substantive law. Owning a propety is not the right, but the factual position, protected by law. This position enables the owner of the right to be entitled to the independent judicial protection. The aim of the above is for the disputes to be regulated temporarily, until the dispute over the right is legally binding. The main purpose of the ownership protection, though, is to maintain social order, thus trying to avoid arbitrariness and violence.
There are two forms of portecting the property, the first being self-help and the second one is the judicial protection of property. Self-help is a form of protecting property which is mostly an exemption to the rule. In order fort he self-help to be justified some specific conditions must be cumulatively be met. Unless these conditions are met, the court will not recognise the property which has been kept by sel-help. The second form of protecting property is judicial protection. The property-owner, entitled to this protection is someone whose property has been interferred with or taken away. Property disputes are, according to the principle of the high speed of the procedure, usually solved within short time frames. The reaon fort his might also be the fact that property disputes do not generate as many questions as any other »ordinary« disputes. The court decides about the right solely on the basis of determining the latest possessory rights and the property intererence, not taking into account the right to property and the owners acting in good faith.
In order for the process of decision-making about a certain property to start in the first place, the following conditons are necessary: the claimant must be the owner of the property during the property interference, the existence of the passive legitimation of the defendant must be proved, the property interference must be shown and the interference must be unlawful. The most important condition that should be present is the existence of legal and economic interest. The legal one has its basis in the law, alloeing legal protection, the economic interest must be determined on a case-by-case basis. The existence of the latter one is determined in order to prevent the abuse of possesory rights. |
Secondary keywords: |
property;shared property;dispute over the property interference;sel-help;indirect ownership;direct ownership;the judicial protection of property;active legitimacy;passive legitimacy; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
52 f. |
ID: |
9161546 |