diplomsko delo
Posest je neposredna ali posredna dejanska oblast nad stvarjo. Pri opredelitvi posesti poznamo subjektivno in objektivno koncepcijo posesti. Posest ni pravica, saj pravica predstavlja pravno oblast do stvari. Značilnost ureditve varstva posesti je, da varuje zgolj posest, ne glede na to ali ima tisti, ki se sklicuje na varstvo, pravico do posesti ali ne. Pri varstvu posesti, stranka ne sme vzeti pravice v svoje roke, ampak jo mora uveljavljati prek pravnega instrumentarija, ki ga nudi pravni red. Pri tem poznamo varstvo posesti posrednega in neposrednega posestnika. Poznamo pa tudi varstvo soposesti in delne posesti. Na podlagi intenzivnosti protipravnega posega v posest ločimo odvzem posesti in motenje posesti. Razlika med obema je predvsem v tem, da pri motenju posesti, poseg v posest ni tako intenziven kot pri odvzemu posesti. Tako se motenje in odvzem posesti uveljavljata v obliki tožbe. Takšne zahtevke imenujemo posesorični zahtevki. Pri tem določa stvarnopravni zakonik, da lahko zahteva moteni sodno varstvo v primeru motenja oziroma odvzema posesti v 30 dneh odkar je zvedel za motenje in najpozneje v enem letu odkar je motenje nastalo. Tridelni tožbeni zahtevek vsebuje ugotovitveni zahtevek s katerim se zahteva ugotovitev motenja ter način, s katerim je bilo motilno dejanje izvršeno. Sledi vzpostavitev v prejšnje stanje in prepoved nadaljnjega motenja posesti. Subsidiarno obliko posestnega varstva predstavlja samopomoč. Pogoji za samopomoč so, da je nevarnost neposredna, da je takojšnja in nujna, ter da način samopomoči ustreza okoliščinam, v katerih obstaja nevarnost. Za hitro rešitev lahko posestnik, čigar posest je motena, navadno uporabi institut začasne odredbe. Gre torej za (še) najhitrejše pravno varstvo za posestnike, katerih posest je bila motena. Začasna odredba nudi začasno zavarovanje do odločitve o glavnem sporu. Cilj posestnega varstva je v preprečevanju, omejevanju in sankcioniranju samovoljnega uveljavljanja zatrjevanih pravic.
Ključne besede
diplomska dela;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2016 |
Tipologija: |
2.11 - Diplomsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM PF - Pravna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
[A. Pušnik] |
UDK: |
347.2(043.2) |
Št. ogledov: |
1560 |
Št. prenosov: |
220 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Protection of possession |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Possession is direct or indirect control over actual thing. In the definition of we known subjective and objective conception of possession. Possession is not right, because the right is the legal authority to things. A characteristic of the system of protection is that protects only property, irrespective of whether the person who refers to the protection of the right to occupy it or not. For the protection of property, the party should not take justice into their own hands, but it must be enforced through legal instruments provided by the law. In this system in protection we know direct and indirect possessor. There are also protection joint ownership and partial possession. Based on the intensity of unlawful interference in possession we distinguish taking away possession and disturbing possession. The difference between the two of them is in the fact that with disturbing possessions, interference with property is not as intense as in the taking away possession. In both of them we use complaint.. The Property Code require the judicial protection in case of disturbing or deprivation within 30 days since he learned of the disturbing and not later than one year since the interference occurred. The three-part statement of claim contains statable claim of interference and the way in which way disturbing action take place. Followed by restoration in former situation. Followed by a prohibition of further disturbing. Subsidiary form of possessory security presents self-help. Conditions for self-help is that the threat is direct, that is self-immediate and urgent manner and that is appropriate to the circumstances in which there is a risk. For a quick solution may possessor whose land is disturbed, usually using themporarily order. It is therefore the fastest legal protection for possessor whose property is disturbing. This is temporary protection until a decision on the main case. The aim of possessory security is in the prevention, restriction and sanctioning arbitrary act of the rights which claimes he have. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
Property;judicial protection of property;disturbing possession;taking away possession;self-help;three-part statement of claim;themporarily order; |
URN: |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo/naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak. |
Strani: |
IV, 31 f. |
ID: |
9161545 |