magistrsko delo
Natalija Palko (Author), Martina Rajšp (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo Vpliv didaktičnih iger na znanje učencev pri predmetu spoznavanje okolja v 2. razredu je sestavljeno iz treh zaokroženih celot, ki se med seboj povezujejo in dopolnjujejo. Teoretični del sestavljajo trije sklopi: Igra (pojasnjeno je, kaj je igra, njena zgodovina, vrste iger in pomen igre za otroka), Psihološki sklop (pojasnjene so psihofizične sposobnosti sedemletnikov) in Didaktični sklop (v njem so pojasnjeni osnovni segmenti pouka ter predstavljen učni predmet spoznavanje okolja). V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati empirične raziskave, oziroma rezultati inicialnega in finalnega testa, s katerima smo merili znanje otrok v eksperimentalni skupini (N = 17) in kontrolni skupini (N = 16), pred izvedbo praktičnega dela in po njej. Ugotovljeno je, da je imela kontrolna skupina boljše rezultate na inicialnem testu, kljub temu pa je bila eksperimentalna skupina na finalnem testu za 7 - boljša od kontrolne. Eksperimentalna skupina je tako na finalnem testu napredovala, kontrolna skupina pa nazadovala. Didaktične igre so k boljšemu znanju pomagale dekletom, vendar je ta razlika zanemarljiva. Glede na predznanje pa so didaktične igre pripomogle k največjemu napredku učencev s podpovprečnim predznanjem, saj je bil njihov napredek za 11 - večji od napredka nadpovprečnih učencev. V praktičnem delu so podrobne učne priprave za pouk spoznavanja okolja v eksperimentalni in kontrolni skupini z učno vsebino veter (pri čemer smo v eksperimentalni skupini pouk izvajali s pomočjo didaktičnih iger), natančen potek dela in evalvacija narejenega. Ugotovljeno je, da so bili učenci nad didaktičnimi igrami vidno navdušeni in so pri igri zelo uživali. Res je, da tako izvedena ura od učitelja zahteva veliko truda pri pripravi in napora pri izvajanju, vendar se to na koncu obrestuje, poudariti pa moramo, da so učenci premalo vajeni dela z didaktičnimi igrami.


magistrska dela;didaktične igre;drugi razred;spoznavanje okolja;pedagoški eksperiment;znanje otok;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Palko]
UDC: 37.091.3:5(043.2)
COBISS: 22684168 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1606
Downloads: 273
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis titled The Influence of didactic games on learners' knowledge in the subject of Science in 2nd class consists of three rounded wholes, which are intertwined and complement each other. The theoretical part presents games (it is explained what game is, its history, kinds of games and the meaning of it for a child), psychological part (psychological abilities of seven-year-olds are explained) and didactical part (basic segments of a lesson and the curriculum for Science is explained). In the empirical part, the results of the empirical research are introduced, namely the results of the initial and the final assessment, which both measured the knowledge of children in the experimental group (N = 17) and the control group (N = 16), before and after the realisation of a practical work. It is determined that the control group had better results of the initial assessment, and in spite of this, the experimental group excelled itself by reaching 7 - better results than the control group. The experimental group made progress on the final assessment, while the control group backslid. The didactic games helped girls to a better knowledge, however this difference is negligible. Considering their for-knowledge, the didactic games contributed to the largest progress of pupils with weak for-knowledge, but their progress was better by 11 - in comparison to above-average pupils. The practical part contains a detailed lesson plan for Science in the experimental and the control group with the didactic content about wind (the lesson was carried out in the experimental group with the help of didactic games), an accurate course work and an evaluation of what was done were made. It was determined that pupils were visibly enthusiastic about didactic games and they enjoyed playing them. It is true that such a lesson demands much effort preparing and executing it, however this pays off finally and it needs to be emphasised that pupils are not used to working with didactic games.
Secondary keywords: master theses;didactic games;2nd class;Science;pedagogical experiment;learners' knowledge;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 171 f.
ID: 9162108