diplomsko delo
Jaka Keše (Author), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo v uvodnem, teoretičnem delu opredeljuje pomembnost tehnologije in tehnološke pismenosti. Predstavljene so dimenzije in standardi tehnološke pismenosti za učence stare od 9 do 12 let. Te smo primerjali z našimi učnimi načrti predmetov tehniškega izobraževanja (naravoslovje in tehnika, tehnika in tehnologija). Diplomsko delo ima dvoplasten namen. Prvi je izmeriti tehnološko pismenost učencev 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole. Tako je bila za potrebe merjenja nadgrajena veljavna metoda merjenja (S. Avsec, 2010). Izdelali smo testno baterijo, pilotne teste in končni test, s katerim smo na štirih osnovnih šolah izmerili 35,7 % tehnološko pismenost. Iskali smo statistično pomembne razlike med obema razredoma in med obema spoloma v tehnološki pismenosti, za kar smo uporabili T–test. S pomočjo Cohenovega d indeksa smo merili velikost učinka. Ob primerjanju 5. in 6. razreda smo ugotovili majhen do zmeren učinek pri razlikah v celotni tehnološki pismenosti in zmeren učinek razlike pri komponenti kritično razmišljanje in odločanje. Pri analiziranju obeh spolov pride do statistično pomembnih razlik le pri tehnološki pismenosti komponente kritično razmišljanje in odločanje, kjer je učinek šibek do zmeren. Drugi namen diplomskega dela je iskanje povezav med odnosom do tehnike (uporabimo vprašalnik Tehnika in jaz, ki je rekonstrukcija PATT instrumentov za merjenje odnosa) in tehnologije ter med doseženo tehnološko pismenostjo, za kar smo izvedli večstransko regresijsko analizo. Ugotovljenih je kar nekaj korelacij. Najmočnejša pozitivna korelacija, izražena z utežjo β = 0,22, je bila med področjem, ki predstavlja željo po šolanju/poklicu v tehniki in inženirstvu, in tehnološko pismenostjo komponente kritično razmišljanje in odločanje. Najmočnejšo negativno korelacija (β = - 0,17) pa predstavlja odnos med interesom učencev za Tehniko in tehnologije ter tehnološkim znanjem.


standardi tehnološke pismenosti;odnos do tehnike in tehnologije;tehnološko znanje;tehnološke zmožnosti;kritično razmišljanje;kritično odločanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Keše]
UDC: 62.373.3.016(043.2)
COBISS: 11115593 Link will open in a new window
Views: 912
Downloads: 173
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Technological literacy of fifth and sixth grade pupils of primary school
Secondary abstract: The first part of this thesis contains a theoretical description of the importance of technology and technological literacy. It introduces the dimensions and standards of technological literacy for pupils aged 9 to 12, followed by a comparative analysis of the Slovenian curriculums of technical subjects (natural science, technical studies, engineering and technology). The thesis has two goals. The first is to evaluate the technological literacy rates among students in the 5th and 6th grade of elementary school. For this purpose, the current evaluation method was expanded (S. Avsec, 2010) and the test battery, pilot test and final test were prepared. The final test was then used at four elementary schools to measure a technological literacy rate of 35.7 %. Statistically significant differences between grades and genders were sought using a t-test. The effect size was determined with a Cohen's d. In terms of the difference between the 5th and 6th grade, the effect was low to moderate for »overall technological literacy«, and moderate for »critical thinking« and »decision-making« components of technological literacy. In terms of gender, statistically significant differences can be observed only for »critical thinking« and »decision-making« components where the effect is weak to moderate. The second goal of this thesis was to find correlations between the attitude towards technical science (using the Tehnika in jaz questionnaire which is a reconstruction of Pupil's Attitude Towards Technology (PATT) instruments) and technology, and the technological literacy rate measured in the first part using a multiple regression analysis. Several correlations were observed. The strongest positive correlation (β = 0.22) was observed between the desire to study/work in technical sciences/engineering and the »critical thinking« and »decision-making« components, while the strongest negative correlation (β = - 0.17) was between the pupils' interest in engineering and technology and technological knowledge.
Secondary keywords: engineering;primary education;tehnika;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika-tehnika
Pages: VIII, 66 str., CV str. pril.
ID: 9162391