diplomsko delo
Klavdija Modic (Avtor), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor)


Različen nivo motivacije, različen odnos do pouka in učenja in tudi različne reakcije v učnem procesu vplivajo na dosežke učencev. Poznavanje teh razlik omogoči učitelju boljše načrtovanje pouka in kvalitetnejše učne rezultate. Glavni namen našega dela je bil raziskati učne stile, ustvarjalnost in odnos do tehnike v 6. in 9. razredu, ko so učenci že absorbirali predmet tehnika in tehnologija (TiT). Diplomsko delo v uvodnem, teoretičnem delu, opredeljuje učne stile in njihove značilnosti. Predstavljena je ustvarjalnost, tehniška ustvarjalnost in ustvarjalnost pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija. Opisani so nasveti in metode za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti doma in v šoli. S pomočjo različnih raziskav, ki so bile izvedene, smo ugotavljali odnos učencev 6. in 9. razreda do tehnike in tehnologije, njihove učne stile in koliko so ustvarjalni v tem starostnem obdobju. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kompleksen instrumentarij, in sicer anketni vprašalnik Tehnika in jaz, anketni vprašalnik o učnih stilih ter test ustvarjalnosti z risanjem. Vsi trije testi so zanesljivi, saj močno presegajo mejno vrednost koeficienta korelacije Cronbach α > 0,6. Pri ustvarjalnosti ugotavljamo statistično nepomembne razlike (p>0,05) med učenci 6. in 9. razreda, v 6. razredu pa se statistično značilne razlike (p<0,05) pokažejo med spoloma, in sicer v korist učenk. Rezultate učnih stilov so predstavljeni po kategorijah, pozorni smo na statistično značilne razlike (p<0,05) med 6. in 9. razredom. Učenci 6. razreda imajo izrazitejše sekvenčni in taktilni učni stil, učni stil, ki ne rabi vnosa, so dopoldanski in popoldanski učenci, vztrajni, potrebujejo motivacijo drugih, pri učenju potrebujejo tišino, več svetlobe in formalno pohištvo (stol in miza). Učenci 9. razreda so bolj večerni učenci in pri učenju rabijo vnos. Pri povezavi med ustvarjalnostjo in učnimi stili je viden obstoj pozitivnih in tudi negativnih povezav. Refleksivni učni stil najbolj spodbuja ustvarjalnost, sekvenčni pa jo najbolj zavira. Učenci v 6. kot 9. razredu imajo tako na splošno podpovprečen zaznan odnos do tehnike in tehnologije. Ugotavljamo razlike med 6. in 9. razredom v odporu do TiT, primernosti TiT po spolu in težavnosti TiT. Učenke imajo v povprečju nižje preference do TiT, kar se še zlasti kaže v manjši privlačnosti poklicev v tehniki in inženirstvu, manjšem zanimanju za TiT, povečanem odporu do TiT, medtem ko so fantje mnenja, da je TiT bolj moška domena. Rezultati našega dela so dobra osnova in usmeritev učiteljem tehnike za izboljšan pouk tehnike in tehnologije, hkrati pa so podana vodila tudi za raziskovalce na področju optimizacije tehniškega izobraževanja.

Ključne besede

optimizacija tehniškega izobraževanja;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Modic]
UDK: 62:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11289673 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 807
Št. prenosov: 120
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Learning styles, attitude towards technology and creativity of students in 6th and 9th grade of elementary school
Sekundarni povzetek: Different levels of motivation, different relations towards lessons and learning and also different reactions in learning process are the factors that are influencing many achievements of the students. The teacher has to have knowledge of this differences to be more successful at planning the lessons and improve educational results. The main goal of our work was to explore learning styles, creativity and relation towards the course of engineering in the 6th and 9th grade , when the students have already absorbed the course of engineering. In the introductory theoretical part this dissertation defines learning styles and their features. We presented creativity, technical creativity and the creativity in the course of engineering. We also described advices and methods to encourage creativity at home and at school. With the help of different researches that were carried out we established the relations of students in the 6th and 9th grade towards engineering and technology, their learning styles and their creativity during this age group. For our research we used a complex instrumentation- questionnaire Technology and me, questionnaire about learning styles and a creativity test with drawing. All of the three tests above are very reliable, because they strongly surpass the minimum value of the coefficient of correlation - Cronbach α > 0,6. At creativity we established statistically non significant differences (p>0,05) between students of 6th and 9th grade. In the 6th grade statistically significant differences (p<0,05) are shown according to gender, in favour of girls. The results of learning styles are presented in categories and we have been attentive on statistically distinctive differences (p<0,05) between 6th and 9th grade. Students of 6th grade have developed strong sequential and tactful learning styles, learning styles which do not need input, their learning process is best in the morning and in the afternoon, they are persistent, need motivation from others, require silent learning environment, more light and formal furniture (a chair and a desk).The learning process of students of 9th grade is best in the evening and they need input at their studies. We discovered positive and negative correlations in the connection between creativity and learning styles. Reflexive learning style encourages creativity, while sequential learning style decelerates creativity. In general, perceived students attitude toward technology is under average in a scale with a mid-point 3. The differences between 6th and 9th grade at the attitude towards technology are seen in tediousness towards technology, adequacy of technology across gender, difficulty of technology. Female students in average perceive technology at low level, with higher tediousness towards technology, and reduced aspiration toward professional occupation in technology and engineering while their male counterparts state that technology is more male domain. The results of our work are good base and direction for technology teachers to improve the instruction of engineering and at the same time, we also gave some cues for researchers in the area of optimisation of technology education.
Sekundarne ključne besede: engineering;primary education;tehnika;osnovnošolski pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika-tehnika
Strani: XIV, 71 str., VI str. pril.
ID: 9221908