(diplomsko delo)
Teoretična izhodišča: Pravilna in redna ustna higiena je izrednega pomena za otrokovo ustno zdravje. Pomembno je, da so starši otrok pravočasno osveščeni o pravilni ustni negi otroka. Za ozaveščanje poskrbijo medicinske sestre, zdravniki, vzgojitelji, učitelji in še kdo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti pravilno ustno higieno in ugotoviti kako so anketirani starši seznanjeni z ustno higieno ter kako jo pri otroku izvajajo.
Metodologija raziskave: V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je zajemal 14 vprašanj. Raziskavo smo opravili v enem od vrtcev v podravski regiji. Anketiranci so bili starši predšolskih otrok. Dobljene rezultate smo preučili in jih grafično prikazali.
Rezultati: Po analizi pridobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da so starši relativno dobro informirani o pravilni ustni higieni zob njihovega otroka. Največ informacij so starši dobili od zobozdravnika, medicinskih sester in pa na internetu.
Sklep: Preventiva v zobozdravstvu je zelo pomembna. Odrasli imajo velik vpliv na zdravje otrok. Starši lahko s skrbnostjo in pravilno nego pripomorejo, da bodo njihovi otroci imeli zdrave zobe. Tudi vloga medicinske sestre je izrednega in nemalokrat ključnega pomena, saj je tako kot zobozdravnik tudi ona tista, ki staršem posreduje informacije o pravilni ustni higieni.
ustna votlina;otroški zobje;ustno zdravje;zobozdravstvena vzgoja;medicinske sestre;vloga staršev;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[M. Mojzeš] |
UDC: |
616.314-083-053.2(043.2) |
Views: |
1197 |
Downloads: |
204 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Raising awareness of parents about the oral hygiene of preschool children |
Secondary abstract: |
Theoretical background: Correct and regular oral hygiene is of remarkable importance for the child's oral health. It is important that the child's parents get the right information about correct dental care in children at an early stage. Nurses, medical practitioners and teachers in nurseries and schools play an important role in raising the awareness on the subject. The aim of the thesis was to present correct oral hygiene, and to determine whether respondents who have participated in the survey actually carry out dental care with their children.
Survey methodology: In the empirical part of the thesis, we used quantitative research methodology. Data was collected with a questionnaire consisting of 14 questions. Research was carried out in one of the nurseries in the Podravje Region and the interviewees were parents of preschool children. Results were examined and the data is represented in charts.
Results: Result analysis has shown that parents are relatively well-informed about correct dental care in their children. Parents get the most information from dentists, nurses or on the Internet.
Conclusion: Preventive dental care plays an important role, and adults have a major impact on the health of their children. With diligent and proper dental care parents can help their children in keeping their teeth healthy. Also, the role of nurses is of high, perhaps even of crucial importance, since the nurse is the person who can provide parents with information about correct oral hygiene. |
Secondary keywords: |
oral cavity;childrenʼs teeth;oral health;dental education;nurse;role of parents; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
V, 42 f., 3 f. pril. |
ID: |
9165899 |