(diplomsko delo)
Rok Bernad (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Medosebni odnosi igrajo ključno vlogo v timu in celotnem procesu zdravstvene nege. To se kaže v uspešnosti in osebnem zadovoljstvu zaposlenih ter v njihovem sodelovanju in timskem delu. Tim je skupina dveh ali več ljudi, ki delujejo v interakciji, da bi dosegli določen cilj. Ker so člani tima v domovih starejših občanov nenehno izpostavljeni raznim oblikam stresa, pomanjkanju kadra, delu v treh izmenah in usmerjanju zdravstvene nege k individualnim potrebam starostnika. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti kakšni so medosebni odnosi zaposlenih v timu zdravstvene nege in oskrbe in ali so pri zaposlenih prisotni simptomi izgorevanja. Metode: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo raziskovanja. V empiričnem delu smo proučili, analizirali in sintetizirali zbrane primarne in sekundarne vire podatkov. Primarne podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vseboval 19 vprašanj zaprtega tipa. Anketo smo razdelili med 31 zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi in oskrbi in sicer v mesecu avgustu 2016. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so medosebni odnosi v timu izbranega doma starejših občanov relativno dobri, saj se večina anketiranih v timu počuti dobro in da se še ne čuti izgorelost posameznika na delovnem mestu, se pa že opažajo začetki izgorelosti. Iz raziskave smo ugotovili še, da je eden od razlogov za slabo počutje oz. slabe odnose tudi obrekovanje med sodelavci, kar se pa po njihovem mnenju s pogovori da odpraviti. Med ostalimi slabše ocenjenimi vzroki je še nezadostna komunikacija med zaposlenimi, da vodstvo ne nagrajuje zaposlenih za uspešnost in prekratek delovnik za uspešno opravljanje dela. Sklep: Rešitev za dobre medosebne odnose in zmanjšanje izgorelosti med zaposlenimi, je v vodstvu in sicer z rednimi timskimi sestanki z zaposlenimi glede odnosov na delovnem mestu, v boljši organizaciji dela, v nagrajevanju kadra za uspešno opravljeno delo ter v organiziranju raznih izobraževanj glede medosebnih odnosov med zaposlenimi. Prav tako lahko vsak posameznik vpliva na dobre medosebne odnose, če le prisluhne svojemu sodelavcu, mu pomaga, skratka, da se zaveda, da v timu ni sam in da je treba upoštevati tudi voljo drugih. Prav pogovori s prijateljskim druženjem izven delovnega čas morda lahko v celoti rešijo obstoječe probleme s koristnimi predlogi.


medosebni odnosi;stres;izgorelost;zdravstveni tehniki;medicinske sestre;timsko delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [R. Bernad]
UDC: 616-083:316.772.4(043.2)
COBISS: 2252452 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1562
Downloads: 192
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Interpersonal relations are important between team colleagues in health care. The successfulness, personal well-being of employees and efficient teamwork relies on that. A team consists of two or more colleagues who work together to achieve a certain goal. The stress at the workplace, lack of employees, three shifts and continuous focus on each individual elderly there can cause burn out symptoms or even a burn out at the employees. The purpose of the research was to view the interpersonal relations between team colleagues in health care and the presence of symptoms of a mental burn out at the employees. Methods: We used a quantitatively methodology of research in the diploma thesis. We researched, analyzed and put together different kinds of sources. Our primary source was a survey, containing 19 questions, divided amongst 31 employees who work in the health care department of a retirement home. The survey was done in august 2016. Results: The interpersonal relations in the health care staff in the retirement home are relatively good. That is shown by the large number of interviewees who feel good in the collective and it is important that interpersonal relations are in order. The employees do not feel burn out, although they feel some symptoms. The survey aimed towards the slander between the co-workers which many of the interviewees pointed out as a factor to uncomfortable well-being, but it could be resolved with talking to each other more. Other factors to cause bad workspace were also lack of communication, lack of awarding for successful work and not enough time to do the tasks efficiently. Conclusion: A solution for successful interpersonal relations and decrease of burnouts in the health care department can be achieved by the directing staff with frequent consultations between the employees issuing the relations between co-workers, better organization, awarding the employees for successful, efficient work and organizing different workshops, courses on strengthening the interpersonal relations between the employees. On the other hand, employees can provide for a better work space and interpersonal relations on their own, if they help, listen to each other. In conclusion, the employee has to realize that they have to work as a team. Spending time outside work could also solve most of the problems between them.
Secondary keywords: interpersonal relations;stress;burn out;health care;team work;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 43 f., 6 f. pril.
ID: 9166264