diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Vesna Rizman (Author), Samo Lubej (Mentor), Dušan Radonjič (Mentor)


Danes živimo v informacijskem svetu. Poplava informacij je tolikšna, da je današnji kupec izgubljen. Zaradi tega, naš življenski projekt, kot je izgradnja lastnega doma, predstavlja vedno večji izziv. Naš namen je bil s konkretno primerjavo izbranih gradbenih materialov preveriti bistvene lastnosti, ki vplivajo na mikroklimo in varnost v bivalnih prostorih. Najpomembnejša faktorja sta zdravje in ugodje ljudi v prostorih. Zaradi tega smo podrobneje raziskali pojav vlažnosti v stenah montažne gradnje. Vlažnost se med drugim lahko pojavi tudi kot posledica difuzije vodne pare skozi steno objekta. Ta nastane zaradi temperaturne razlike med zunanjo in notranjo temperaturo. Daljša izpostavljenost vlagi lahko pripelje do nastanka plesni, ki negativno vpliva na zdravje ljudi. Osnova za delo nam je bila direktiva 31/2010/EU, Pravilnik PURES 2010; Uradni list RS, št. 52/10. Pravilnik obravnava toplotno zaščito, določa sanacije stavb in podaja minimalne zahteve za energetsko učinkovitost. V pravilniku je nedvoumno zabeleženo, da je za neoporečen zrak v nizkoenergetskih in pasivnih hišah nujno potreben rekuperator. Primerjali smo tudi zrakotesnost stavb, ki je določen po Blowerjevem testu. Analizo našega dela smo združili v primerjalni matriki. Nedvoumen rezultat našega dela nam je podal preračun treh referenčnih sten, pri katerih smo uporabili najpogostejše materiale za preračun difuzije in posledično pojava rosenja stene. Dovoljena kondenzirana vlažnost v steni stavbe in sam cikel sušenja je določen v Pravilniku o toplotni zaščiti in učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah. Poglavje marketing rešuje vprašanje, na kakšen način lahko ponudniki montažnih gradenj pomagajo kupiti svoj bivalni prostor.


gradbeni materiali;montažna gradnja;izolacijske lastnosti materialov;konkurenčna prednost;PIMS analiza;komuniciranje s tržiščem;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [V. Rizman]
UDC: 332.812:69(043.2)
COBISS: 20504086 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1087
Downloads: 91
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Today we live in a world full of informations. The amount of information for today’s buyer is enormous. This makes a buyer confused. When we decide to build our house, this represents to us a life project. And because of quantity of information the decision for which constractors to choose is very difficult. Our objective was to make an analysis of competitive properties of construction materials. This properties in addition make a change on our microclimate in a house. The most important role for a resident is a healty life and pleasure that gives us a healthy being in our new house. Damp walls can negatively effect on our health. It can cause mold growth. Mold can cause multiple diseases. The basis for our work was Directive 31/2010/EU, PURES 2010; Uradni list RS, št. 52/10. Pures 2010 deals with thermal protection, determinates reconstruction of buildings and gives us minimal standards for energetical efficiency. It also determinates, that we need to have a heat exchanger in order to have clean and healthy air inside of a building. Airtighness determinates so called Blower door test. In the end we made a matrix in which is easier to see the results of our researches. The final conclusion gave us the calculation of vapor diffusion of three reference walls. Permissible limits of condensations of water vapor are determined in Regulator of thermal and energetical effectiveness. The Marketing chapters gave us an answer of how the market and the costumer reacts on one to another. Also gives us the reflection on a psychology of buying.
Secondary keywords: competitive properties of materials;prefabricated construction;isulating properties of materials;competitive advantage;PIMS analysis;communication with the markets;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: 88 f.
ID: 9166507
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