diplomski projekt
Katja Kitel (Author), Matjaž Iršič (Mentor)


Motiviranje in nagrajevanje prodajnega osebja sta temeljni funkciji managementa prodaje, ki pripomoreta k uspešnejšemu poslovanju podetja. Motivacijski dejavniki so tisti, s katerimi zadovoljujemo potrebe zaposlenih v podjetju, istočasno pa jih z njihovo pomočjo spodbujamo k boljšemu opravljanju njihovega dela in k v naprej jasno zastavljenim ciljem podjetja. Seveda pa je tukaj pomembno tudi nagrajevanje prodajnega osebja ob doseganju in preseganju zastavljenih ciljev. Pomembne so tako denarne nagrade, torej plača, stimulacija ipd., kot tudi nedenarne nagrade, kot so pohvala, vlaganje v zaposlene, možnost izobraževanja zaposlenih, nagrajevanje najboljših ipd. V raziskavi, ki smo jo izvedli v podjetju Mikro+Polo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika med prodajnim osebjem smo poskušali ugotoviti, kako motivirani so, kateri so tisti motivacijski dejavniki, ki jih najbolj motivirajo in s katerimi so v tem trenutku najbolj zadovoljni. Poskušali smo tudi ugotoviti, katere nagrade jim predstavljajo večji motivacijski dejavnik ter ali so s trenutnim sistemom nagrajevanja zadovoljni. Na podlagi tega smo podali tudi predloge, kako izboljšati trenutni sistem nagrajevanja v podjetju


prodaja;zaposleni;prodajno osebje;motiviranje;motivacijski dejavniki;nagrajevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Kitel]
UDC: 658.8:005.88
COBISS: 12585756 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1333
Downloads: 300
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivation and rewarding of sales employees in Mikro+Polo d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Motivating and rewarding the employees in the sales management is one of the core functions of the management of a company, as it leads toward a more successful business. A company has to implement motivating factors, which contribute to meeting the employee's needs and desires in full, and, at the same time, they motivate and support their drive for results and a better job performance. One of the most important motivating factors is performance management that rewards achieving and overachieving of set goals. Rewards in a form of a regular salary, extra allowances and other financial rewards are important, but as much important are also verbal recognitions, appraisals, agreed development plans for the employees, trainings. In the research, that is part of this thesis, we have questioned the employees that work in the sales department of the Mikro+polo company. Our goal was to recognize how motivated they are for their job, what motivates them to meet the set goals, which are their most appreciated motivating factors at the moment. We tried to establish which rewards are the biggest motivating factor and if they are satisfied with the established performance management at the moment in the company. Based on the results of the research we have presented some propositions for improvement of the performance management in the company.
Secondary keywords: Sales management;motivation;rewarding;motivation factors;financial rewards;non-financial rewards;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 38 str.
ID: 9166673