diplomsko delo
Anja Lavbič (Author), Olivera Ilić (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Elementi ljudskih plesov v plesni vzgoji predšolskih otrok je raziskati, v kolikšni meri lahko elemente ljudskih plesov vključimo v načrtovanje vzgojnega dela na plesnem področju predšolskih otrok. V analizo je bilo vključenih 24 otrok, starih od pet do šest let. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del zajema: opis in pomen plesa nasploh ter otrokovo potrebo po plesu; poudarek je bil na ljudskem plesu na sploh, virih in vrstah ljudskega plesa ter njegovi vlogi; plesno izražanje otrok, cilje in vzgojna načela; načine in metode dela pri vnašanju otroškega ljudskega izročila ter vsebino otroškega izročila; opisi ljudskih plesov, katerih elemente smo vključili v plesno vzgojo otrok v vrtcu; na koncu smo pisali še o mestu Šentjur, tamkajšnjem vrtcu, kjer smo opravljali analizo dela in predstavili Mladinsko folklorno skupino Lintvar, s katero smo sodelovali pri izvajanju dela v vrtcu. Empirični del je sestavljen iz osnovnih, predpisanih elementov tega dela; vzgojnih priprav za delo v vrtcu in analiz le-teh. Iz vzgojnih priprav v empiričnem delu sta tako razvidna naša dejavnost in vnašanje elementov ljudskih plesov v plesno vzgojo otrok iz Vrtca Šentjur. Po analiziranju vzgojnega dela tako ugotavljamo, da elemente ljudskih plesov lahko vnašamo v plesno izražanje otrok v vrtcu in s tem ugodno vplivamo na njihov plesni razvoj ter na njihov pogled na ohranjanje naše kulturne dediščine.


diplomska dela;predšolski otrok;ljudski plesi;ljudsko izročilo;kulturna dediščina;plesno izražanje otrok;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Lavbič]
UDC: 394.3:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 22698760 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2336
Downloads: 282
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the bachelor thesis entitled Elements of Folk Dance in Preschool Dance Education is to find out to what extent the elements of folk dances can be incorporated in the planning of the educational work in the field of dance of preschool children. The analysis included 24 children, aged between five and six. The thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part describes dance and its meaning in general, and the child's need for dance. The emphasis is on folk dance in general, the sources and types of folk dance, and its role. The thesis also discusses the dance expression of children, the objectives and the educational principles. The working techniques and methods when introducing folk heritage, and the content of children heritage are presented. Folk dances whose elements were included in the preschool dance education are described. Finally, we wrote about the town Šentjur and the preschool, which is located in Šentjur and where the analysis of work was carried out. We concluded with the presentation of the Mladinska folklorna skupina Lintvar (Youth Folklore Group), which participated in work at the preschool. The empirical part consists of general statutory elements related to such work. Educational planning for work at preschool is discussed and analysed. Through the presentation of the educational planning in the empirical part, our activities and the introduction of folk dance elements in the dance education of children at the Šentjur Preschool are evident. After analysing educational work, we observe that folk dance elements can be introduced in the dance expression of preschool children, and in doing so their dance development and their view on preserving our cultural heritage may be positively influenced.
Secondary keywords: theses;preschool child;folk dance;folk heritage;cultural heritage;dance expression of children;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 9166772