diplomsko delo
Nik Stegel (Author), Franc Čuš (Mentor), Tomaž Brajlih (Co-mentor)


V zadnjem času tako na domačem kot tudi tujem tržišču novih izdelkov hitro narašča konkurenca med proizvajalci. Vse bolj pomembna postaja hitrost uvajanja novih proizvodov na trg, še posebno na področju medicine. Medicinski pripomočki postajajo vedno bolj kompleksni, izdelava na konvencionalnih strojih pa skoraj nemogoča. Zato je ključnega pomena, da se razvoj novega pripomočka, izvede po najnovejših ergonomskih normativih in najkrajšem možnem času izdelave. Diplomsko delo prikazuje hitro izdelavo prototipa medicinskega pripomočka merilnika pretoka zraka. Izdelan je celoten potek nastajanja prototipa od analize obstoječega merilnika pretoka zraka, odprave ergonomskih pomanjkljivosti do konstruiranja po smernicah VDI 2221, izdelave s tehnologijo selektivnega laserskega sintranja ter končne obdelave s postopki grezenja in povrtavanja. Cilj diplomskega dela je celotna predstavitev implementacije sprememb pri razvoju in izdelavi prototipa. S to raziskavo bomo zagotovo pripomogli k nadaljnjemu razvoju in hitri izdelavi medicinskih pripomočkov.


konstruiranje naprav;medicinski pripomočki;merilnik pretoka zraka;dodajalne tehnologije;prototip;izdelava prototipa;odrezavanje;grezenje;selektivno lasersko sintranje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [N. Stegel]
UDC: 658.512.2-027.14:621.7/.9(043.2)
COBISS: 20445206 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1253
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Rapid prototyping medical accessory
Secondary abstract: Recently competition between producers of new products is increasing on national as also on foreign markets. Speed of introducing new products on market is becoming more and more important specially is this important in the field of medicine. Medical devices are becoming more and more complex, so this means that the production of medical devices on conventional machines is becoming almost impossible. It is therefore crucial that the development of a new device is completed by the latest ergonomic standards and devices have to be produced in the shortest time possible. Diploma thesis represents rapid prototyping of air flow meter for medical purposes. In the diploma thesis whole prototype formation process is made from the analysis of existent air flow meter to ergonomic deficiencies elimination and to construction process according to VDI 2221. In the diploma thesis selective laser sintering and post-processing with broaching and reaming of prototype air flow meter are also presented.
Secondary keywords: rapid prototyping;device development;medical device design;air flow meter;cutting;layered technology;selective laser sintering;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: 66 f.
ID: 9166807