diplomski projekt
Maja Mujkanović (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


V svetu sodobne tehnologije je že skoraj nujno, da podjetja za komuniciranje uporabljajo digitalne medije, saj jim omogočajo lažje približanje ciljni skupini in komuniciranje s svojimi odjemalci. Tako lahko podjetja izbirajo med različnimi družbenimi omrežji, sami pa morajo presoditi, kateri način komuniciranja je najbolj primeren glede na segment njihovih strank. Enega od načinov komuniciranja s strankami omogoča tudi družbeno omrežje Instagram, ki ga bomo kot poslovni potencial v nadaljevanju predstavili na primeru podjetja X. Vpeljava družbenega omrežja Instagram v podjetje X omogoča komuniciranje z odjemalci na način deljenja slik, ki jih lahko odjemalci všečkajo in komentirajo. Aplikacija Instagram omogoča tudi, da lahko odjemalci objavljajo slike in jih z različnimi ˝hashtagi˝ označijo, kar podjetju X omogoča dodatno oglaševanje med odjemalci, brez dodatnih stroškov. Da pa bi bilo digitalno marketinško komuniciranje z odjemalci čim bolj uspešno, morajo ob začetku uporabe izbranega medija pripraviti pravilno strategijo, preučiti prednosti in morebitne slabosti ter se čim bolj poskušati približati odjemalčevim potrebam.


družbena omrežja;digitalni mediji;digitalni marketing;poslovno komuniciranje;Instagram;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Mujkanović]
UDC: 004.738.5:659.1/.3
COBISS: 12612636 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1666
Downloads: 349
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business potential of the social network Instagram in case of the company X
Secondary abstract: In the world of modern IT era it is almost crucial for companies to use digital media for communication, due to easier and more effective link with their customers. Companies can choose from the variety of different social networks, but they have to choose the right one according to the segment of their clients. One of the tools of communication with clients is a social network Instagram, which will be represented as a business potential in case of the Company X, which is focused on catering services. Introduction of social network Instagram in the Company X enables communication with clients in a way of sharing photos, which clients can like and comment. Application Instagram also enables that clients can post photos and mark them with different hashtags, what can be used as additional marketing without any costs by the company. To achieve maximum results in digital marketing communication with clients companies have to prepare proper strategy, consider pros and cons, and try to satisfy client’s demands in the best possible manner.
Secondary keywords: Digital marketing;social media;communication;Instagram;digital media;marketing communication;social networks.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 39 str.
ID: 9167528