diplomsko delo
Jure Lakožič (Author), Vesna Rijavec (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo v svojem jedru sicer sega na področje civilnega procesnega prava, kjer se ukvarjam s prokuristovimi upravičenji do zastopanja družbe v pravdnem postopku, vendar je to tudi v tesni povezavi z gospodarskim pravom, saj je institut prokure v slovenskem pravnem redu urejen v Zakonu o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD-1), ki sega na področje gospodarskega prava. Diplomska naloga podrobno predstavlja institut prokure. Osredotoča se na obravnavo in obseg prokuristovih pooblastil v pravdnem postopku, med njimi tudi na upravičenje prokurista, da podeli veljavno pooblastilo odvetniku ali drugi osebi za vložitev tožbe in zastopanje v pravdnem postopku. V tem smislu so predstavljene novosti po noveli Zakona o gospodarskih družbah ZGD-1 I (Uradni list RS, št. 55/15 z dne 24. 7. 2015), ki je začela veljati dne 08.08.2015. Obravnavani sta tako trenutna kot prejšnja ureditev obsega prokuristovih pooblastil in njegovega položaja v pravdnem postopku po slovenski zakonodaji. Diplomsko delo se zaključi s primerjalno pravno analizo, ki trenutno ureditev po slovenski zakonodaji primerja z ureditvijo obsega prokuristovih pooblastil v tujih zakonodajah in sicer v Nemčiji, Avstriji in na Hrvaškem. Skozi proces pisanja diplomske naloge prihajam do zaključkov, da je institut prokure v slovenski zakonodaji primerno urejen. Pri tem imam v mislih zlasti prokuristov položaj v pravdnem postopku. Zakonodaja je bila sicer v tem delu pred kratkim dopolnjena in je to vprašanje uredila primerljivo s tujimi pravnimi ureditvami. Zakonodajalec je z novelo ZGD-1 I dodal tretji odstavek 35. člena in prokuristu podelil upravičenje, da lahko brez posebnega pooblastila zastopa družbo, katere prokurist je, pred sodišči in drugimi organi. Prokurist pa tako kot pooblaščenec, ki ni odvetnik, v pravdnem postopku brez posebnega pooblastila ne more opravljati vseh pravdnih dejanj, tako tudi ne more podeliti veljavnega pooblastila za zastopanje v pravdnem postopku odvetniku ali drugi osebi, prav tako pa ne more brez posebnega pooblastila družbe umakniti tožbe, pripoznati tožbeni zahtevek, se odpovedati tožbenemu zahtevku, skleniti sodno poravnavo, se odpovedati pravici vložiti pravno sredstvo ali umakniti pravno sredstvo. V kolikor bi se zakonodajalec že pred novelo ZGD-1I glede vprašanja upravičenja prokurista zastopati družbo v pravdnem postopku zgledoval po tuji ureditvi ter sledil vzgledu nemške, avstrijske ali hrvaške ureditve, bi se s tem v preteklosti izognil neenotni sodni praksi in neenotni pravni teoriji glede vprašanja prokuristovih pooblastil v pravdnem postopku.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [J. Lakožič]
UDC: 347.965.43(043.2)
COBISS: 5310763 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1447
Downloads: 141
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis thesis puts on the scope the civil procedural law. I have been dealing with procurator’s entitlements to represent the company in civil proceedings, however this subject is also in close connection with commercial law, since the institution of procuration in the Slovenian legal system is regulated by the Companies Act, which extends to the scope of commercial law. The thesis presents the Institute of procurator. It focuses on the treatment and the scope of powers of procurator in a civil procedure, and its entitlement to grant a valid power of attorney or grand a valid power to others. In this sense, some innovations were presented to Slovene legislation (Uradni list RS, št. 55/15 z dne 24. 7. 2015), which entered into force on 08.08.2015. Presented are both the current and previous legislation that covers procurator’s powers and his position in the civil proceedings under Slovenian law. The thesis concludes with a comparative legal analysis and the current arrangements under Slovenian legislation compared with the arrangement in foreign jurisdictions, Germany, Austria and Croatia. Through the process of writing the thesis I come to the conclusion that the Institute of procurator in Slovenian legislation is well regulated, specially the procurators position in civil procedure. The legislation has recently been changed in this part d this issue is settled comparable with foreign legal systems. The legislator recently added the third paragraph of Article 35. and with this paragraph procurator is entitled to fully represent the company before the court. Procurator as well as commissioner in court who is not a lawyer in civil proceedings without specific authorization and can not perform any procedure, so it can not grant a valid authorization for representation in civil procedure to a lawyer or to others, can not withraw an action infront of the court, can not recognise the claim, can not deciline a court settelment... It would be better if the legislator would sooner look up to the foreign legal regulation and follow the example of the Germany, Austria or Croatia. Due to that there would be less misunderstanding between courts and legal theory in the past regarding the issue of procurators powers in civil procedure.
Secondary keywords: procurator;procuration;representation;licence;procurators entitlements;civil procedure;legalcapacity;capacity;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 44 f.
ID: 9167617